US - Artic MX4 Thermal Paste 4g for $5.99 - Good Deal?

I just noticed in a Newegg email that they have a deal on Artic MX4 Thermal Paste, 4g syringe for $5.99 with free shipping using promo code: "EMCWWXW82". Is this a good deal? is it well suited for our LED use? It says:

  • Non-conductive
  • Non-capacitive
  • Carbon microparticles-based
  • Don not degrade like metal or silicon compound
  • Thermal Conductivity (W/mk): 8.5


I’ve been using MX4 for my CPU’s as well as copper PCB’s, and it’s been awesome.

It’s one of the best thermal pastes (other than liquid metal) and works great with my K40 and TN31 6.5A mods. :slight_smile:

Thanks! Price appears to be good. It's tough for me to picture how much 4g is and whether or not I should order 2 at this price. The 20g tube is $19.99.


My MX4 4g syringe has lasted over two years with 5 CPU installs and 10+ uses under copper PCB’s and in pill’s threads, and I still have a quarter left.

The 20g package may last my entire flashlight modding career. :smiley:

I looked up the Fujik I have for size comparison (not the glue in the tube, but the compound in the little round container) and I saw it's listed as 20g (but I'd say my container came 1/2 empty and I don't know if it was 20g in a 40g container or I got ripped off). I have little Fujik left. I'll probably still order just one.
