I’m interested in a triple channel D4K, but would prefer UV on one of the single LED channels, ie 2 or 3, but it seems like it’s only an option for channel 1 which is dual LEDs. Anyone know why this is the case?
What I’d prefer is 5000K SST20s on channel one, deep red SST20 on channel two, and UV on channel three.
Been wondering that my self. Maybe those UV have a high current draw. I got the triple in crackle titanium in UV, sst-20 with deep red and w1 green. Awesome light. Plus, green and red make yellow, so it’s a quasi four channel light in a way when you run those two together.
Probably because uv leds run at lower current, so he had to put 2 in parallel to handle current, probably a DD driver, interesting part is that there are no aux leds with uv, could it be that those slots used for resistors to help uv leds handle current? i’m purely guessing. Hank could answer it with 100% accuracy, if he is active on this forum.
UV LEDs mostly have forward voltages in the 3.8 to 4.5V region, so I think you need a buck-boost-converter to power them off a single LiIon cell. Therefore it won’t work with a regular, existing multi-channel driver that is either buck, boost or linear, but never buck-boost and needs dedicated drivers.
My guess is, the 2 LED channel has both LEDs in series, so a simple boost converter will do. Whether you boost to 6V (white) or 8V (UV) does not change much. The issue with single UV LED on single cell is that depending on the state of charge of the cell the forward voltage can be above or below cell voltage.
The reddit thread is interesting for several reasons:
Several people report getting lights from Hank with UV on channel 2 or 3.
There is also a comment from the OP that channel 2 is two LEDs, but that must be on his modded version, as Hank’s site is clear that channel one is two LEDs.
And then from the last 24 hours, “I asked Hank if it was possible to get the UV on the 2nd or 3rd channel (single LED) instead of the 1st (2 LEDs), but he said it wasn’t compatible.”
It’s all I can do to not ask about a bluetooth version… with an Anduril config app on my phone, and the ability to flash updates, and turn on the light from across the room, and alert me when the voltage is below 3.2V, and have a tailcap that takes an AirTag, and…