I’d like to see a prototype done first so we’ve a clearer idea of what we’re getting
I’m also sure that if he was to buy them direct from Ric, they would be around the $70 mark for multiples of 5, so looking at his recent history of light mods, that works out to about $150 going down that path, particularly since Ric can provide them equipped with xml2.
Am not trying to detract from the thread or Vinh’s work (I am interested in one, pending pricing and results) yet food for thought.
I’m thinking its a lot of work to get these BTU’s dialed focus wise. Lots of extra work for him if he wants to get it correct. Might not be practical for him to make money modding them.
I know Tom E put a lot of man hours into mine getting the focus perfected. It payed off though since he created a seriously beastly light.
Looks like five for $85 and ten for $75 and so on. Plus shipping on top of that. Take a look. What ever Vinh touches is gold. I have many of his mods and they are amazing and what ever he feels the mod will cost, I am sure it will be fair. He just dropped the price on one of his offerings because he got a better price on his end. Thus passing the savings on to the customer, not many guys would do that.
He’s modded several TK75’s, but never did a group buy on them yet. It would likely be pretty expensive and not too profitable for him. But he does love the tk75 and he still does mod them on individual bases if you so desire.
It wasn't so much of GB but I think he did do a run of 5, or 10 TK75vn lights a while back.
I will be selling one shortly.
Got one TK75, and a second because I couldn't resist the price.
After he modded the one, and I tried it side by side with the stock version, well... had to get the second one modded too. I should have the second one monday. After playing with it for 5-10 minutes, it's going up for sale.
I mean I'm no fan of the stock light either, but the numbers speak for themselves on the modded lights.
WIDE spill as opposed to a pencil spot beam. Even most dedicated throwers have trouble touching 300-400kcd, and it was unheard of even 2 years ago. Now there is an option to do it for under $200.
It may not be a budget light per say, but given price to performance it's a killer deal.
Well I for one think these BTU’s once built up are quite simply amazing. Brother and I have 3 different variations now. All 3 modded by Tom E. At the bottom (if you can call it that) has a stock BTU driver, but has XML2’s on copper, better wires and spring mods. Does 3740 at 30 seconds and 184Kcd. Next is brothers Supershocker with IOS driver, driven at about 5+amps on Samsung 20R’s. Same mods as the first besides the driver and 20R’s. Does 4400 at 30 seconds and 234Kcd. Next is my latest creation by Tom. IOS driver driven at 6A, xml2’s on copper, wire and spring updates, 20R’s, and dedomed this time. This one is unreal - 4260 lumens and 477Kcd.
To put this into perspective, here are some rough performance comparisons between a Supershocker and some the best performing flashlights made.
SR90 - BTU has 2.5 times the lumens and 3+ times the Kcd
TN31 - BTU has 3.5 times the lumens and 4 times the Kcd
TK70 - BTU has 2 times the lumens and 3+ times the Kcd
TN31vn - BTU has 2.5 times the lumens and same Kcd
K40vn - BTU has 2.5 times the lumens and +20% more Kcd
S2200 - BTU has 2 times the lumens and 9 times the Kcd
TN31mb - BTU has 5 times the lumens and +15% more Kcd
Deft X - BTU has 5 times the lumens and about 1/2 the Kcd
RC40 - BTU has 20% more lumens and 4 times the Kcd
Ryobi 35wt HID - BTU has 1.75 times the lumens and 5 times the Kcd
Yezl 85wt HID - BTU has 90% of the lumens and 1.75 times the Kcd
FF3 HID - BTU has 85% of the lumens and 1.5 times the Kcd
FF4 HID - BTU has 60% of the lumens and 10% more Kcd
PH50 HID - BTU has 85% of the lumens and 90% of the Kcd
Maxabeam HID - BTU has 3 times the lumens but gets KILLED by Kcd
Those numbers are all based on my latest Supershocker’s numbers. So seeing that info above shows just how impressive these BTU really are. No LED can really even compete with it. Even modified ones. A few modded floody monsters can beat it in lumens, but usually fall WAY short on lumens. I mean these BTU supershockers fall smack in the middle of the HID’s. Basically you have to have even a very serious HID to beat it. That’s impressive. And no a BTU isn’t a very practical light, but 1/2 the lights on that list really arn’t either. Not all, but most.
Even a mildly modded BTU kicks serious butt.
And yeah guys I’m a serious BTU fan - but those numbers above are why. And being a very proud owner of two BTU’s is why.
And yes the domed BTU’s are awesome too. Especially if upgraded to xml2’s on copper & etc. I love my version like that just as much as the IOS dedomed one. It’s still got awesome performance but also has full regulation and decent runtime.
The dedomed IOS one is mostly a “wow” or “fun” light due too the 20R’s limited runtime and direct drive. And it does it’s intended job better than I ever expected.
I know a few memebera likely tried this too with other lights, but on the way back from the park last night (brother and I were trying out our newest lights) we were both aware of his pretty dim headlights. This is a old country road, so I pulled out the Supershocker to “assist” his headlights. Now these were tired headlights on a 11yr old car. But he had them old brights - the BTU Supershocker simply KILLED his headlights. Couldn’t even tell they were on. It had much much more reach, but also much more and brighter spill.
Fun with BTU’s just never end
Thank you for posting that rdrfronty it sums things up nicely.
I want to also add, that while the higher end HID's beat it out, comparing them, is like comparing apples and oranges.
LED lights have no warm up time. Want to sit there and click it on and off 100 times? Go for it. Want to leave the light standing for a few minutes, and walk away? Go for it.
The TK75vn I have, does most of what the FF4 does up close. The TN31vn actually beats the FF4. The age of HID's is now over.
The BTUvn by far the best entry light into super LED lights. Some people can swing the RC40 base price tag, and get it modded... I hope to do that at some point, but for the moment, i think what's being offered for under $200 is just ridiculous to pass up.
Vinh is also great when it comes to service... get your light, test it out, if something is wrong he will fix it, no questions asked.
Guys I need to point out the BTU’s I have & brother has, have all been modded by Tom E. I can’t say exactly what Vinh’s BTU’s will do. But the potential is there if he has the time to put into them. It takes a LOT of time to get them perfect like Tom did.
Infinitus have you done any testing of the Vinh TK75 or possibly some beamshots comparing it to the stock one? I have the stock light and love it but just wonder how badly the Vinh modded one blows it away. Thanks.