Virence - Is Clemence ok?

Does anyone know if Clemence is ok? I received an email from him on 10/5/20 about a question I had. But since I placed an order on 11/5/20, I have not heard from him. Several emails I’ve sent this past week have not been returned.

I also see he’s not been on BLF for over 2 months. But it appears his website is still active: Virence . Hopefully he’s just busy with other stuff and doing fine.

Also still have something on order, but that doesn’t matter. Hope he’s well.

These days I worry about Covid, but hopefully it’s not that.

Clemence is recovering from Covid. I have no information other than that.

Yikes, that’s not good! :frowning: I hope for a speedy recovery.

Well, if someone gets Covid19, recovering from is better than the alternative. Just like getting old is better than the alternative.

Thank you for letting me know. My prayers go out to Clemence for a speedy recovery.

I didnt even think about my order from him until now, you are right, 3 weeks now for me. I hope hes getting better.

I heard from Clemence today and he seems to be doing better. :beer:


Thanks for the update NF.