After a BLF user noticed that three reviews for a new light went up in a matter of minutes, I did a little research. I know of one popular web store that has a lot of reviews; DX. Here’s what I found.
Wallbuys is copying DX reviews for their similar products.
Here’s an example: Wallbuys (scroll down to the reviews) DX DX
They may delete it eventually, so here’s a screen cap:
Maybe nobody will care about this, but I do. Wallbuys should quit the shady tactics and start learning from their competition; not stealing from them.
Even those DX reviews sound fake. Too generic and too positive. DinoDirect just copies and pastes reviews that sometimes have nothing to do with the light. I’m not sure why the dealers don’t understand (or care) that this is just fraud, plain and simple.
Guys these are Chinese vendors. Do you think that they are the only ones that do this. As long as they deliver, that’s all that matters.
I may have been a little rough on Wallbuys, but I think they are a pretty good company. They are delivering good quality goods. And yes they have made some mistakes, but I think they are only going to get better.
we have all known for a long time that most of these sites do this. if DD offered up the same sales that wallbuys is doing, i bet most would hop on a few items too. its unfortunate that it is this way, but it is.
now i havent ordered anything from them yet, but if they keep offering up these huge discounts i will be eventually
I really think is doing the best they know how to satisfy us. They seem to be truly unfamiliar with Western business practices and values. Our expectations may be simply too high for them.
Up until I discovered the review thing, I’ve been (IMO) a good customer of theirs. I have five orders with them(all but one placed before receiving anything from them).
I would like to see them try to be more honest, that is all. I’m not being hard on Wallbuys; I’ve come to their defense before when I thought people were too harsh. I was (and still am) under the impression that they didn’t fully understand what they got into when they had the super-sales. That combined with logistics (mainland-to-HK deliveries) issues made things slower than people liked.
Regarding the reviews, I think they have an opportunity to clean up their act and try to be (more) honest about things.
I’ll be sitting out this spring festival sale and most likely the 70% sale too.
I understand that these tactics are probably the norm and not the exception; I just don’t like proving it to myself.
The people at Wallbuys are a quirky bunch. Crazy about holding sales (although they said no more promotions for a long time), quick to beg for forgiveness but also quick to reoffend. Rumor has it that only the most beautiful girls are fit for their employ.
I’m willing to bear with the quirks, as I’m sure many do, as long as we all get to purchase new toys at great prices.
Ever since I got onto BLF, I have not read reviews much. I pointed out that I didn’t notice the reviews on the UF SST90 light at Wallbuys; I had already ordered it when someone pointed it out later.
I don’t care if the reviews are accurate or not. I prefer to deal with people that at least try to be honest. When you find something this obvious you have to ask yourself, “What else are they not being honest about?”.
I’m not trying to get people to abandon Wallbuys; I just think people should know the truth about what’s going on and let them decide for themselves.
I just assume all of our lights are made by underpaid overworked nearly slave laborers, I’m not concerned about what I consider to be generic reviews that you see on many of the large sites. Wallbuys has given us some wonderful sales, few of the other vendors do anything close to what Wallbuys has done. They deliver the goods, there may have been a few rough spots for some but for me and others they have come through. It seems as though a lot of people expect western customer service/speed and giveaway chinese prices…ya can’t have everything.
I, for one, have not complained about service or speed. My only issue so far has been the copied reviews. I’m sure there are people who like to see the product have some reviews. They may not even read them, just seeing four or five stars from a few ‘verified owners’ gives them enough reassurance to order it. Nobody likes to be the scapegoat or Guinea pig.
Being that I haven’t participated in any of their sales or even dealt with them. I’ve watched all the comments. It would seem several members like to take advantage of the great sales. (understandably) With long delivery times & unsavory business practices. It’s risk reward, I’ve heard of no one being out right scammed. So it comes down to this… You’ll either compromise your beliefs for a good deal or won’t. Either way, you know who your dealing with going in.