Hi,i am trying to make an Ultrafire CREE XM-L T6 LED 18650 Flashlight just single mode only but keepingthe same driver,i have some 3V~5V 4* AMC7135 LED Flashlight Driver Circuit (Generic) 1400mA / reverse polarity protection / 17mm drivers from fast tech but just trying to see if can make original driver single mode.
I have several different 18650 flashlights that i want in single mode only but easiest way i can and
trying to keep original drivers where i can.I tried running a couple of them direct with centre spring + wired straight to the led but they went really bright blue for a couple of minutes then died.
Just made a 7W 65OLM CREE Q5 LED Focus Zoomable Flashlight single mode by removing brown capacitor and works perfectly.Did the same to the Ultrafire CREE XM-L T6 LED 18650 Flashlight but made no difference at all and still has all the same modes,there was only 1 capacitor on the driver but removing it didn’t make any difference so don,t know what else i can try to just make it 1-mode on/off.
Is there a simple way to mod drivers to single mode only,not bothered about maximum current etc just
want to make the flashlights all 1-mode only but not burn out using different batteries.
Is there a way i could wire the batteries direct to the leds but add a resister or something to limit the current so dont destroy the leds.I have various models of 18650 flashlights C8 etc and want them all just to have single mode only in the quickest and easiest way possible,i have fitted fast tech drivers to the torches using17mm drivers as quick swap but not all my drivers are that size so would be more work changing them.So just want a quick way to wire the flashlights to single mode on/off that wont overheat or burn out the leds.Any ideas?
thanks terry
I'm looking at modding a few 7135 drivers to single mode, these to be precise, does the above mod apply and if so can someone post a picture with what to do for this simple minded creature?
You should remove the MCU, or at least cut/lift pin 6 (top row of chip pins, second pin from the right). Pin 6 will sink 20-40 mA whenever the MCU is not in agreement with the forced ‘on’ state of the 7135s.
Drivers from FT has been a lottery for me. 105Cs mixed with 105Ds. 101s mixed with 47s, etc.
Simon also sell these, cheaper and neatly packed in anti-static bags: