Want to buy a custom kydex sheath. (If it will work.)

I have an ebay damascus that I want a proper sheath for. I don’t know much about kydex, so I’d like to know if this will even work. It’s an odd shaped knife.(Pictured)So let me know if it’s doable and how much it’ll cost me. Since I don’t know how much work is involved I don’t have a budget set. Leather would also work as long as it retains, but I’m guessing that’ll be more expensive. That’s if anyone is capable or willing. Thanks guys.
Edit: Also it’s important the edge doesn’t rub on anything too much and cause dulling.

Your best bet is to send it to someone that will do custom kydex. Someone like buy brown or mashed cat outfitters. The cost will be about $40 for what looks like a 5 inch blade.

If you do the kydex your self, you’ll pay about $15 for the kydex and Eyelets. You’ll need a way to heat the kydex, drill the holes, trim and finish the kydex, and then set the Eyelets. The eyelet tool is about $20. Count on very poor results for you first few sheaths. You’ll start getting good after about 20.

You can also get leather made for about $60 and up. If you go with a pre-made pouch sheath that you can wet form for a pretty good fit, then that’s about $30.

not sure if its similar to “CRKT Veff M.U.K.” fixed blade knife, try to do a little measurement and see if it matches the CRKT ones then you could buy one of it and use its sheath since the CRKT MUK itself its a cheap 3cr steel knife you could just throw it away or mix it up among with your kitchen knives

Very similar to the Cold Steel Canadian Belt Knife. But better quality obviously The Cordura sheath looks like it would give a bit of wiggle room and in the U.S.A. should be cheap enough to buy so you could use the sheath while you’re having one made to fit. There are a lot of videos on youtube that go over the process of Kydex moulding and it is a bit involved for a one off. Unless the maker has an exact copy of your knife then you would have to figure in carriage costs into the equation.
Lovely knife by the way.

Never heard of that knife before, but it looks like it doesn’t come with that great of a sheath.

That seem’s like a good option. I might try it out. My blade is just under 4”(in order to comply with my county ordinance) so it should fit.

Have you considered a wooden sheath? It’s probaby the simplest and cheapest method.

Or PVC if you just want a rough sheath that doesn’t look or perform outstandingly. Simple to shape with heat and very cheap.