Milly over at Pandawill asked me if I would review this bike light set .
The parts out of the packet :
At under $5 I have to say , this is not a bad set up .
I dont think this light set is is for anything more than for a cyclist to be seen by motorists , and anyone else who may need to see a cyclist before any possible incident , and in that regard , this light set does its job very well .
As can be seen in the picture , the lights certainly put out more than enough light to be seen ..
The front light has 3 modes , Constant on , slow strobe , and a strobe sequence consisting of 3 fast flashes and a small gap before repaeating ..
The rear light has several flashy modes [ real funky ] as well as just being on without any fancy sequence of flashes .
The lights take AAA batteries , 4 for the front light and 2 for the rear light ..
A nice feature is you can not enter the battery holder the wrong way for the front light , it only goes in one way .
Now I know it says water proof in the heading , but I dont think so , the front light looks to be very water resistant , possibly water proof , and the rear light looks to be water resistant , how water proof ? If I put it into a container of water , Im not so sure the internals would stay dry .
Im rather confident both front and rear should handle rain [ but lets remember the entry price ] .
I think the lights would be suitable for road use as they apear to be well made for the price , but I would most likely tighten up the mounting system as this is the weakest link in most bike lights .
For the price , certainly a worthwhile consideration if you want to be seen while riding a bike ...
Last word :
I like it , the weakest link is the mounting system , where both lights attach to the mounts , and I would do something to tighten them up , like maybe a strip of tape , or just something to tighten up the tolorances to a inteferance fit so that vibration wont be an issue .. So keeping in mind this is a sub $5 package , I think it has something to offer , and if the buyer-user sets it up well , no reason it should not give decent service .