What are you snacking on now?

I don’t generally snack as such, as I try to watch my diet, but I do eat some fruit each day, bananas and apples mainly. Bananas are seriously good value, a fraction of the price of a choccie bar or a bag of crisps (or chips in the former colonies).

I was fond of Nakd bars which are raw squished and compressed dates, cashews, raisins and natural flavourings. Yum, but expensive and unhealthy in excess.

This is more of a meal than a snack (for me), but I recently found something that I really like.
Casa Mamita Beef and Cheese Chimichanga

I bought an eight pack for $8 at Aldi.
If you like chimichangas, but you don’t like the taste of beans, this is an excellent choice.
The flour tortilla is quite soft after cooking, which is rare for frozen burritos/chimichangas.
Plus, the flavor of the chimichanga is superb.
Yum! :yum:

I like these as a snack lunch when I’m out walking:

Unfortunately they contain palm oil, and chemical preservatives. :frowning:

1 Thank

Tried tunyfish with that Tajin sauce mentioned in the hot-sauce thread, and it was… okay.

Never tried but keep hearing about “spicy tuna”, so gave it a whirl, just a little dollop on a piece before mixing anything. Was okay. Actually was better when polluted with a lot of the sauce to get the taste, rather than with less and only getting the smell. So glopped it in and mixed it up.

Kinda flaky, so added a teenytiny dollop of mayo just to get it to stick together better. Meh. (Don’t like this batch of Urban Mayo as I think they changed their supplier. Used to be good like Hellmann’s, but not this latest batch.)

Hmm, “sweet and spicy”… added a pinch of honey to one section, actually tasted pretty good, so drizzled honey on all of it and mixed. Didn’t go overboard, just added a little more, then a little more, then… perfect.

Overall was okay. Hint of spiciness and more limey fruitiness from the Tajin, sweetness from honey added a bit of depth. Ended up snacking on most of it while some english muffins were toasting.

So, it was… different. Would I make it again? Meh, maybe, maybe not. People taste island food like shrimp with coconut, hot pepper, lime, etc., and go “oooooh, yummy!”, so don’t larf at my little concoction quite yet.

Think it was better plain vs on EMs, though.