For fun this is a sarcasm and good humour thread, such as “I’m, thankful for Black Friday deals”, or “I’m thankful for Home Depot penny deals”
Inspired by thanksgiving in America (though it was a month ago in Canada) and may not exist elsewhere
For fun this is a sarcasm and good humour thread, such as “I’m, thankful for Black Friday deals”, or “I’m thankful for Home Depot penny deals”
Inspired by thanksgiving in America (though it was a month ago in Canada) and may not exist elsewhere
Im thankful for Tandoori curry!
Thankful for 4 days off on this holiday.
A first in the thirty years I been working at the same place.
Im thankful for my sarcastic sense of humor. My wife says that without that I’d be just a straight @$?!& :innocent:
Indeed, i am also sarcastic, though i take it too far sometimes without realizing
Me too, but im mellowing with age LOL
Thankful almost all plants planted or repotted
Just 2 little fig trees, some berries, 1 kumquat, 3 kiwi.
Then order some willow trees but they will be here end of week
Just some mulched leaves at all the bases, soaked and mushed up cardboard over that so no weeds will grow in spring and all root are protected against frost
So hopefully lots of fruit besides the prunes (of 7 old prune trees) and apples from an old apple tree) from this year onwards.
Oh anf thankful for BLF!
Short Skirts, Oxygen, Family, Faith and Beer
Not necessarily in that order