What batteries for vaping?

For 30W vaping (vegetable glycerin) what name brand 18650 batteries are recommended?

Something that can be shipped to Canada (is Fasttech still able to ship?), and a cheap 18650 charger (this is not for me, i already have a Liitokala and Dragon, this needs a simple one cell charger, display unnecessary but bonus, i’ve had bad luck with ML-10x chargers). I assume something in an Xtar or well rated but cheap charger (if tested by HKJ thats a bonus).


A Samsung 30Q + LiitoKala 100 charger would fit the bill for $10 or less depending on the deals you can grab.

I had great luck with Samsung 30Q and LG HG2 cells in my mod running up to about 80W. That’s was until the Marlboro man came knocking and lured me back. I’m happy for those that can quit with one but for me it just wasn’t the same.

Thanks for the replies, also i realized i should pay more attention to the Related sites on the left side of the screen, came across this

Parametrek Batteries*

Many batteries to choose from, though being in Canada Illumn.com and Mountain electronics would get pricey for shipping.

I noticed Fasttech wont ship li ion to Canada presently but i can go through ordering them from Banggood and they take me all the way to the paypal website to confirm payment so i assume they do still ship to Canada. Anyone in Canada with recent experience ordering batteries from them?

Also with 33 possibilities are there any that are better to consider or not good that i should avoid on that list?

For 30w vaping, most on that list is fine. I use HG2,HE2 & HE4.Typical avoids are the re-wrapped “fire’s” and “fests”, and stick to actual manufacturer’s.

If you only need one or two batteries you may consider getting them locally in a vape shop… You’ll pay maybe $10 more but will get them right away, won’t waste time trying to source them on the other side of the globe and then wait weeks wondering if they will ever show up…

At that wattage you could probably use a Sanyo GA with a protection circuit for extra safety.

Charger is easy just use a 1 or 2 bay USB LiitoKala Charger.

I suggest you visit canvape.com. They are based in Ottawa and they have what you’re looking for. Dealing with international shipping for li-ion can be a P.I.T.A., believe me…

samsung 25r are common,cheap,and well suited for vaping.
any major brand mid to high drain will do fine.
as mentioned avoid rewrappers.
esp efest.they have been busted several times for dishonest ratings.
here is a link to the HKJ of vaping batteries.
list of tests.
there is a repeating pattern.
lots of rewraps dont live up to claims.

What type of vape? How many watts do you vape it at? I vape at approx 100w with two 18650s. Any quality cell that gives you at least 20A will be fine. Then obviously you pay more for capacity which translates into how often are you willing to charge them.

In my vamo stick style vapes, two stacked 18350s work much better than one 18650

Edit: just saw 30w. Guessing it’s a single 18650 layout. If you’re not happy with single 18650s in it so far, double 18350s make a world of difference

Also, and i’ve posted this before, but vapecrawler.com is the only site you need to find vape supplies.

Personal favorite store is vaporrange though. Good prices, free shipping.

My nephew has been rotating a 25R I gave him in his vaping machines for over a year now. It’s outlasted the other cells he had which were all held in high esteem among vapers. He says it might be losing a little capacity now but he can’t say for certain. I gave him a couple 30Q’s so he should be OK for a year or two now :smiley:

If the Lii 100 charger can’t be sourced, the Xtar MC-1 isn’t a bad alternative. No frills and decent according to HKJ :wink: The ones I’ve gifted are still going strong but I like the LiitoKala better :wink:


Samsung 25r’s are hard to beat. Probably the most used cell in vaping.

edit… I just saw 30w vaping too. All those cells mentioned are fine. Just make sure he realizes that a 30Q is not ideal for mechanicals if he ever goes that way with lower ohm setup.

I know Lowes has been pushing their kobalt line hard here in the states. Idk if Lowes are in Canada or not. But a 24volt 1500ah tool pack is $10 has 6 1500 Samsung 15L They are 18 amp cells 4amp max charge rate. 4 security screws and the cells are yours basically. Maybe cheaper then importing cells or paying CDN prices. Those cells would work fine. If you are comfortable taking packs apart. Not hard I usually just rip the cells away from the wires then take pliers and remove the tabs

In my vape now I’m using 1300mah 25amp LG cells from ryobi 40volt pack. Not the highest capacity but high amp and work great. It seems like the older packs used Samsung 13L the 4 I’ve found all had LG cells in them

Your brought back a 5 year old forgotten thread, i can’t even remember who i posted this thread for.

They're a spammer.

Indeed they are.
I’m trying to remember who this thread was for, i think it was one of two acquaintances.
I also don’t remember what either of them ended up doing.