Do you think this light is worth 150 bucks? Its supposedly made by thrunite.
Nice light, bad price.
Um. Yeah.
What a load of BS
“You Need this 1,000 Lumen Flashlight!
Consider it an Electronic Baseball Bat. ”
cut the price down to roughly 1/3 of what they are listing it as them just maybe. At 150 bucks no way. Its not even an established brand name to try to sell it for that amount for a light of that size class. ( even if its made my Thrunite and selling as its own brand.
"Deployment of Illumination Tools by Ken J. Good"
ie: How to Use a Flashlight
thrufite lyns
Hey, at least they only marked it up by about $20 over a real TN for being extra tacticool… could’ve been worse.
I have no idea why the NR website uses gray body text though. Maybe that’s for extra stealthery.
I had their page on my facebook. Kind of fishy how most of the comments were praising a light they hadn’t even received yet. They said they give discounts to safety personnel. One guy even went so far as to say he’d gladly pay full price to “help them out” because they had such a great product. They got real defensive when I asked them where their light was made. I think i’ll pass this one up.