What Do You Run AAA NiMH's Down To

What sort of voltage do people run their NiMH AAA’s down to before you see a serious drop off and recharge them???

I usually keep topping them up (Eneloops) after intermittent usage. A couple of times have run them down to 0.8v (bounced to 1.1v after a couple of hours of rest) and had no issues.

I run my NiMH cells down until the device stops working. :blush:

With AAA’s, it’s my headlamp. When it gets too dim to use, I recharge.
With AAs, it’s my Xbox 360 controller. When it stops working, I recharge.

There are issues with the question.
Voltage is a notoriously poor way to validate remaining capacity in NiMh.
Essentially there is little capacity left below 0.9-1.0v.
Where the functional ‘cut-off’ is depends heavily on the amp draw. Very low amp draw devices I can pull the voltage down to zero or just barely above. A higher draw device can take a fully charged cell and stop working in a short time. Test the voltage and it will appear decent from bounce back.
A simple/decent cell checker should put some kind of load on a cell, but you probably won’t know what that load is or what it necessarily means. But that’s still more useful than a simple unloaded voltmeter.