What do you think of my new flashlight collection?

Began collecting a month ago and this is what I have so far let me know what you think:

From left to right:

nice u are off too a good start so far :slight_smile:


Maybe, with a bit of counselling, you are just in time to prevent an irreversible infection. Maybe.

So far so good…the Convoy S2+ is a must have! :+1:

Nice one , congrats ! May we know from where are you ?...Just to have an idea how far this disease has spread...!

Anyway , the cure , despite the general opinion , is simple : more and more lights !!!

you should get some right angles and a headlamp maybe some tiny aaa or aa lights, and a big thrower, only one month in ? RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN !

very nice collection, thanks for sharing!

That's a pretty good collection you have there.

Time to start buying knives!

Thankyou, I am from New Zealand :slight_smile:

Nice family! Look forward to seeing it grow…….and grow…….and :money_mouth_face:


I already own an ESEE 6 . Need to get a folding knife now for EDC

I like camping and hiking so I will definatly look into getting a headlamp. I am currently looking at getting the Skillhunt H03 .

As for a big thrower, I am waiting for my Convoy L6 to arrive which I am really looking foward to after reading all the reviews about it

Yeah, the girlfriend is already nagging at me lol

I have tons of EDC-able folders, but no fixed blades.

That ESEE 6 is handsome.

So it begins…… :beer: