What Flashlight Is This?.

hi anyone know what flashlight host this is?
thank you.

Can’t really see the light clearly from your picture. Can you show a side view?

This is the Olight M10 Maverick.

Thank You BlueSword.

Looks like my picture, it has a 6500K E21A R9080.
But I have a new couch now.

Jos, PM sent.

yes, thats yours. I remember an E21A in that and I am on the lookout for something for an E21A.
what is your new couch?.
any suggestions for a host for this E21A 6500 9080?. need it in a host with a smooth reflector, just like yours.
cheers and thanks for picture use.

New couch :slight_smile: :

Just about any host should work just as well/bad. The pain is that you can not use centering pieces on this led, there are none and the led is too fragile anyway.

Nice picture Djozz. Your light shows up better against your new lighter couch. :wink:

Did you Foybezel your M10?

Since you need one with a 16mm MCPCB a regulated driver, I would recommend the Sofirn SP31 V2 for balance between throw and flood: