What Flashlight(s) Are You Wanting For Christmas

I would like to hear what flashlights you guys are hoping Santa will put under the Christmas tree? Now myself, I will probably just get money and I will have to decide what I will get. I haven’t made up my mind yet, but I would love to hear all of the flashlights you guys are wanting to get? I hope your wishes all come true and then some. And here’s wishing you and yours the best Christmas ever.


BTU shocker. Hopefully it’ll put a stop to my purchase history for a while.


Please Santa!

I hope there is enough Electrolumens Search & Rescue’s still available for me to save up enough funds!

Dear Santa,

I always wanted a Zebralight H51. :santa:

That should make a good gift. Good luck.

Another Christmas wish for the BTU Shocker!

Ok guys I got to ask. What does BTU stand for?

Big Thrower U2?

Yes I am.

Well here’s one that I found on ebay that should make great gift. A lot cheaper than a new one.


That’s the same seller I bought my used ThruNite Catapult V3 from. I’ll highly recommend him to anyone here if they are intested in that light.

Another vote for the Shocker.

Ditto! Looks like a Shocker Christmas for BLF’ers so far. I highly doubt it will be a Shocker Christmas for me though as the ex-wife is raping me financially and what money I can scrape up for gifts will be for the kids. If I was getting a dream light from Santa though, the Shocker would be the one!

Looks like I will have to make a batch of Zombie Hunters to fund a BTU Shocker purchase. Where there is a will, there is a way. ;)

EDIT: On further thought, if/when I do get one, the above "shocker" logo CX posted will definitely be ordered along with it to be engraved onto the light. Awesome!!

I didn’t know we could engrave stuff onto it. how much extra is it?

Someone else can correct me but it’s either $2 or $5 extra. Ric/CNQG offers great personal touches for their customers. :wink:

Even at $5 that’s a great price. Thanks for telling me. But I’ve already gone well over budget so I’m goign to keep mine bare. Thanks for the info JM! :slight_smile:

+1 Would love to have one……

One vote for the BUT Shocker. Only if that light is ~$120.... dream on.

Butt Shocker, ouch!!!