What is your last surprising flashlight

What is your last surprising flashlight you have buy

For the price or for the quality or for the amount of lumen or …

The Convoy L6. Can’t beat it in build quality, finish, and brightness for anywhere near it’s price.

Thanks to the BLF I became aware of the Convoy L6 which is now my most used flashlight.

I have learned much from many people on this forum, and that knowledge is the best weapon to have when choosing a flashlight; shopping by price or brand name is a slippery slope.

My introduction to today’s flashlights began in 2012 with a Nitecore TM11 which surpassed my Surefire E2L Outdoorman in what I thought was a pinnacle in design and performance. I am still on a learning curve, but now I am much more aware.


What I tried to write, but a more direct answer. :slight_smile:

I love it so much, I ordered another one in clear anodizing with a cool white emitter. The black one has a neutral white emitter.

My L6 too, it have an excellent build quality rarely found even in lights priced at 3x what it costs. I’m waiting for Simon to stock again the warm emitter to order my second one

Don’t forget to ask Simon for your 15% BLF discount before you pay!

I did not know about the BLF discount, but I have no regret paying Simon the full price for the labor and talent. :slight_smile:

I paid full price on the first one. The difference was $10. I have no regrets as well.