What just happened to my Astrolux S41?

I have kept this great little light for 2 years with no use at all. Maybe used twice for a couple of minutes only, medium power. Saving my nichias for one of my trips.

Yesterday, I turned it on to test it and finally put a good use on next weekend. It was ok, at first. Then, after a couple of minutes at medium power also and small bursts of high power (seconds only), I realized a blue halo at the wall. Then, that was it:

I opened the flashlight and found this:

Another angle:

Then I have put all back together but something was different. When I disassembled the optic, the dome of the led just fell:

Is this the result of a poor quality led? Is it elegible for any kind of warranty? I wanted to buy another of this flashlight but now I am in doubt if the next one will last.

No you know why we started moding lights.

But seriously putting a replacement LED back in is a great (gateway drug type of modification).

and heck no one says it has to be the same LED.

Sell your “broken light to me” :smiling_imp: :innocent:

Next LED (clockwise) is also damaged…

I understand now :person_facepalming: :smiley:

I would trully sell it to you, but I live in Brazil, so the shipping would be very expensive (maybe even more than the price of the light itself).

Yes, it is almost cool white, while the lasting two are warmer. Strange, but sort of cool tones too.

I’ll try a side switch now. Should I go for Astrolux S42, Emisar D4 Quad, or any other? I want the highest CRI possible.


I’ll try a side switch now. Should I go for Astrolux S42, Emisar D4 Quad, or any other? I want the highest CRI possible.

Definitely the d4 over the s42

But I read somewhere the D4 has 83CRI 219C Nichias, while S42 would have 90CRI 219C Nichias.

Is that true? Also, what are the main problems everyone talks about? Sorry but it’s been a while I am out of this flashlight world.

I see people complaining about UI (is the only way to turn off with a long press?), and the lenght of the tube unabling the use of protected cells. Is there anything else? I might accept these two problems for $25 only. But maybe there are other problems I don’t know yet?

What is the best price for a D4, now?

Those D4’s and D1’s are soooo Ugly though.
two of the worst I reckon.

You just unlucky there. I have, and know others with the S41’s none (so far) missed a beat.

Just replace the LED’s. or maybe just replace whole mcpcb with new chips.

They are also only $23/25 US new to buy on here at present with coupon. Free freight.
I believe Kaikomon does a nice little quad too (side sw?)

83 cri D4 is not sold any more.

Standard quad boards, like from kaidomain or noctigons, are not compatible with S41 optics.

Get 4 new 98CRI leds and make it even better than it was!

wow damn :frowning: but i dont think 2 years later u can get any warranty sadly…

This is a great option! Can you please point me where can I order them?

Good news! Is there any coupons for the D4 available? All of them are 90CRI now?

Just ordered Astrolux S43. Seems like best of both, and the price is right. :slight_smile: