What light did you EDC today?

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A Convoy S21B with culpm1.tg. It’s been my EDC since last year.

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X4Q w/3700k

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D3AA today. Aside from Maglites, this is the light that I’ve done the most work. It’s been emitter swapped to an FFL mix, DC fix on the optics, multiple different clips before I landed on this one (not even sure what it’s from) and upgraded to the copper bezel and button ring.
I love this little thing. It cranks out so much light for such a tiny little guy. And with the FFL mix, it’s a beautiful beam.

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Pretty sure that’s a Convoy T2/T3 clip:

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Yep! That’s the one. Good call

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S6 w/519a 5000k

And a place I wish I were visiting again!

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SC13 Pro

Not quite a D3AA killer. But a really nice light for it’s size. I’d love for Sofirn to start using RGB aux in their Anduril lights