What light did you EDC today?

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I keep seeing these Nitecore lights being posted. But, what’s so great about them? What emitters do they use? Are they any good? I have a Tini2 that is interesting and kinda cool for a keychain light. But, the emitters are crap and I never liked turning it on, except to show it off.

However, I see the EDC 29 posted all over Facebook and Reddit. So, what’s the draw to it?

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Simply put … Bright Wall of Light. Instant access to 6500 lumens of blinding light, either stobe or constant per your preset desire.

Awesome self-defense tool in my opinion … :beers:

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What about CRI and it’s use as just a “daily use” kind of flashlight?

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Great daily driver with plenty of utility. The tint is pure white to my eye. I highly recommend this beauty. I don’t know the specs regarding the installed emitters.

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SP10 Pro modded with FFL351A 3700k

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C01s in pocket, with SC64 Hi clipped to beltloop, c01 and iXV on keyring.

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