What name for a thrower flashlight?

I need help coming up with a new name for the light I'm building, preferably something that has little to no results on google.

Some of the parts I will use are the Osram Oslon Black Flat, and an Optolife lens.

Maybe you can incorporate some of those words into the name, like "optobeam" or "black star" or something.

Thanks :)


Here's a teaser:

No but I will be happy to buy one off from you if you don’t mind… :slight_smile: or build one for me.

The “black opto-pipe”.

Boutros Boutros-Throwi.


Very nice, if a Black Flat puts out a beam like this in a C8…

I’d love to see what it’ll do in your build.


Throwy McThrowface

lol these are some very entertaining names :smiley:

G700 bearblinder

Optopussy wins. Plus I believe Enderman will create a 1 km thrower. His math is unassailable.

I hope not, my last light was close to 1.5Mcd which is ~2.5km, this one should hopefully be better… :stuck_out_tongue:

The Enderman1

“The Big O”


The Illoominatah

( Said in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice )


I actually really like this one! :+1:

Midnight Penetrator