What non-budget lights have you bought lately and why did you buy them? Or maybe I should ask if there is one area where you tend to buy budget lights and one area where you tend to buy lights that are a little more expensive.
Maybe you buy more expensive lights for your general around the house light and less expensive lights for everything else.
I just ordered a Zebralight H51f headlamp. Why? I don't know! I have two decent headlamps already and this one is the most expensive of the group.
I do tend to spend more on a headlamp than on a flashlight. I have a Surefire 6P but that was a gift. I have a Photon Proton Pro (not that expensive) and a couple of slightly more expensive (than DX) drop-ins but most of my flashlights are in the budget category.
What non-budget lights have you bought recently and what type of light makes you tend to go non-budget?
I can think only one would barely fit in the category. XTAR D01. I borrowed one for a review and and after i revieved the alikaline version D02 i simply cannot return it back as it was a complete piece of work both for underwater and general use. Always been tempted for the fenix Tk-35 but the price is quite steep.
Quite worth it IMO. I got my tk35 for $80 (still quite steep) free shipping off ebay. seller is "asavings" give them an offer if you're still interested in a tk35.
I know but i cannot cramm it on a bike :) Not that i've planned to do so. Otherwise i do not use flashlights very often except from my edc which eventually changed from the heavy C3 SS to xTAR Wk25. Lovely light albait the annoying strobe. I might get the new one which is tweakable for modes. Love the clean design.
I bought a Zebralight SC600 just to see what all the fuss was about. I received it a few weeks back, and do plan on doing a review...but just need to find some time to get proper beamshots.
Couple of months ago I bought 4sevens 18650 tube, 1232 Turbo head and regular tail. It summed about 75-80 dollars. Why I bought them... Well... I didn't know better. I found BLF afterwards. And other reason was that they were about to discontinue the 18650 body, which they soon did.
It's a fine light and I like it, but not worth the money in my opinion. i think about 50-55$ would be "right" price for it.
That's sort of my view of the Zebralight H51f. I think it's overpriced. After all it's really just a small flashlight with no real effort made to compete with other more traditional hiking based headlamps. There is no red LED mode and duel beams aren't addressed (spot and flood modes) which are common in hiking/camping headlamps.
I thought the zebralight was an awesome headlamp without all the other gimicks (to me) such as red, and lens attachments… Haha
Different contexts, i still havent brought myself to buy a zebra, i guess im waiting for the h61w with a 500 lumen high amd huge life at 20 lemons
I know lemons do have an electrical charge because of the acidity, but I don't think I would want to have to carry 20 of them around to power my light.
It was 110 bucks and I feel like it is worth it. My only issue is that it doesn't have a strobe mode.
I bought it because I use it for work and camping. It is the light I can trust. It is neutral white, XML driven at 3.0 amps using current regulation instead of PWM, has dual switches and will take flat top 18650s (I use an AW 2900 in mine, which itself was a 20 dollar battery) and can tail stand. I love that light but I still like having others around.
The Yezl Z1X is a close second. It may not be the best built light in the world but for the money it is a damn good light. It works perfectly, is absurdly bright and has a strobe mode. It does have some nasty PWM but that doesn't usually bother me. My biggest issue with the Z1X was the lack of pocket clip. That's all a light that size needed to be 10 times better. So, I made one out of a coat hanger.
I bought a ton of nitecores a few zebralights a farka..WHY?? well I knew I wanted nitecore .. it was obvious to me 10 minutes after i boufght one i was kicking myself for not buying 5 ..
the answer on all of them is price ..if a high end light shows up at the right price I'll buy as many as I can .i f you have 40 then i'll buy the 40 and keep my eye out for more , a high end light has a following so they will always sell and it gives you an opprotunity to try many lights at no risk .. in fact you make money and get to keep what you like and sell everything else .i like every expensive light i have .. some more than others but when it's real quality even if you don't like it ,you can see the value in them and understand why others do .
I bought an sr3 nitecore a long time ago and thought I didn't like it but it's grown on me a little .. one reason is it's solid and really well built. zebra H31 and H501 are great lights ex-10 . D-10 defender infinity,ezAA.All upgraded with a neutral emitter are just sweet as can be .Does anyone deserve a 50~100$ flashlight ?? sure maybe one or two ..Do they need 40 or 50 of them ..probably not .