What percentage of your lights are 18650 lights ?

I did a quick inventory and a little math on my lights

44% - 18650

33% - AA/14500

11% - AAA or multiple AAA lights

6% - Cr123/16340

6% - everything else

deja vu

14% 18650

43% 26650

100% 18650 (4lights + 1 incoming)

80% 18650 (4, two can run AA’s in the odd configurations)
20% 16650 (1, and it’s on my AR-15)

25% 18650 or 10-12 lights
75% A mix of AAA, AA, C, D and 123s. Somewhere around 30.

80% 18650.

20% Other.

Would need to actually count them up to get the exact number... going to do some organizing this weekend.

Great minds think alike ?

ehmm.. sure!


Oh well.. My lights are here. Sorry, Im too lazy to do the math...

LOL, gotta wonder what OL is thinking about that answer …

about all of my lights can “run” 18650 cells, given the appropriate sleeves, some prefer other fuel tanks though

85% 18650/CR123A depends on voltage required and what batteries available.
12% AA NiMH
03% AG3 Alkaline

Hmm, makes a big difference, primarily 18650 or 18650 with adapter.

About 90% can use 18650.

40% 26650, but these get used most of the time I go out hiking/dogwalking.

A couple AA/14500 so about 10% …not exactly thrilled with these, only real use is handing to friends.

All multiple AAA lights can run 18650 or 26650, and are only used for backup lights or “borrowers”.

5% AAA, penlight to always have one with me.

Most used lights now: Wizard Pro, 15xT6, Solarstorm Warrior, Convoy S2 T4-C7.

AAA - 28%
AA - 22%
CR123 - 14%
18650 - 36%

The task made easier when I just discovered I have 50 lights, excluding ones designated as gifts. I think I need to get out more.

80% - 18650
20%- 1xAA/14500.

This is only counting my LED lights. I also have a drawer full of old Maglites of various persuasions.

18650 - 54%
16650 - 14%
CR123 - 14%
AA - 14%
AAA - 4%

AAA – 7%
AA – 10%
CR123 – 7%
18500 – 10%
18650 – 52%
26650 – 14%

18650- 36%
18350- 8%
26650- 4%
32650- 16%
10440- 20%
AAA- 16%

Total of 25 lights. Forgot a few, have a couple of 14500, an 18500, a CR123 and probably still forgetting something. :wink:

Mostly 18650/16340 … 2 - 10440.

18650- 4
AA Eneloops - 3
AAA Eneloops - 5

The most common light I use is a single AA Zebralight headlamp and the other most common is a single 18650 UF-T50 and then the single AAA TI.