What to buy

Hello everyone
I want to buy a good flashlight to $ 50 and I have a big dilemma between these three.
Any advice would be helpful

TR J12 47$
Courui Big Head 39$

Welcome to the forum , NicolaS .

It will help if we know what your primary use will be .

You will also need decent batteries and a good charger .

Howdy and welcome to BLF.

It really all depends on what you are looking for. The big head is a nice thrower for sure.

Hello everyone I want to buy a good flashlight to $ 50 and I have a big dilemma between these three. Any advice would be helpful TR J12 47$ NITEFIGHTER F21C 44$ Courui Big Head 39$

Maybe your 47$ not enough to buy TR J12

Am I seeing things? - Welcome???

The OP has 340 posts.


2014 thread


Gotta it!

Ok folks… Never mind the Senior Person in the room…

Carry on :slight_smile: