What to do with all these mag-chargers?

The flashaholic got the best of me and I ended up with an ebay special… 12 used mag-chargers :~

I have a couple ideas floating around, but I am open to suggestions. Also, none of them have tailcaps or springs so if you have some extra let me know (they are the same as the regular mag D tailcaps).

If you have any questions about these things, I may be able to help. There seem to be a few slight variations, mainly in the switch.

a 1 inch copper end cap fits nice and snug with 3 wraps of aluminum can. Seems like a solid heatsink!

The dark side is calling… :bigsmile: I may end up with 6 of these if I can’t find tailcaps…

I applaud the two-headed M@G Dumbell design.

Yep, I vote you do one Darth Maul style.

Just make a spacer to hold 18650’s and run wires down the side, then isolate the tail end so that it is doesn’t have battery contact, just power through the wires.

“Much Faith, I have, in you, to make” - Yoda

Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth Flashlight……Rise.

This made me laugh. What is with us? I have done the same kinda thing.

you could use the bodies to make some noise dampeners for a fire arm?
or Laser hosts
or affix some rope on the ends and you got you some Mag D Nunchucks to hone your Ninja skills on
or list them on ebay as UNTESTED, with a grainy cell phone pic from too far away with a buy in now of $250 & free shipping
or practice your 1 D cutting and filing skills.

as long as you have fun.