What Will the Next Big Emitter Be?

To replace the XM-L2? Anyone know?

Tell you 6 months after we know :wink:

Seriously, you’re asking for fortune tellers and time travellers to visit this thread :wink:

It seems to depend on drivers.



It’s my favourite emitter, however could really do with an upgrade. It could be made to be 30-40% more efficient by now, and probably upgraded to 3000-3500 lumens.

Well I’m allowed to dream………

I dunno how BIG you want them, but these are almost an inch diameter.

37 volts. That’s going to be a very long flashlight.

Mine’s bigger and shinier than yours :party: :


You could drive the previously linked die with this.


Nope, not powerful enough… those are 100 watt leds and that is a 20 watt driver.

10x 18350 imr in a 6d mag?

someone pm gtamazing i bet he could do it after he finishes his mkr mag

I was going by, "Oh look, there's light coming out of it. A substantial amount too."
Meaning it's going to be driven only around 0.6A just eyeballing the Vf-current graph, but still.

An XM-L isn't always driven at maximum either, ya know.
(It's more like 5A on a SinkPad/Noctigon shoved behind a mighty aspheric.) That seems more commonplace here, haha.

I'm trying to do my small part in fixing that problem.