What You Got Today (2016)

Since the old thread was hacking and coughing up blood, I figured I’d put it out of its misery and start us anew…

Got four 3400 18650 Panasonic Keeppowers from the good folks at Illumination Supply: http://www.illumn.com/18650-keeppower-3400mah-panasonic-ncr18650b-protected-button-top.html

Subscribed. I have some new items coming soon

The old thread still has pretty regular posts, and almost 9000 of them total.

What do you mean? :open_mouth: I thought the old thread was doing just fine?

Come on, guys…just go with it. Longer threads are harder to sort through.

What’s there to sort through on a “What You Got Today” thread? That’s what makes BLF so great…all of the older threads.

Got the Maxtoch 2X De-domed XM-L2 U4 version with two Panasonic batteries. Utterly amazing what it can do!!

Got an inexpensive Ultrafire WF-502B host from Fasttech for $6.96 to house an old Solarforce XP-G P60 drop-in I had lying around. It’s going to be used as my boiler room inspection light.

Back so soon? :wink:

So I like the old thread too; unfortunately, the lack of a budget lately, and not much new and surprising going on in the Flashlight world, so I haven’t gotten to post there much lately. That combined with the lack of a workbench at the moment, so no modding, or buying of things to mod…

It will be harder too read both threads i think .

Old is better , has many info and links there

Back so soon? :wink:

LOL…the “disease of addiction”.


Why split the threads? The original is the longest active thread on BLF, and still gets post almost daily


lol, yep, so soon!

Hey, I just thought it was a good idea to start again. I hate sorting through old threads. If nobody is game, then Admin can combine this one with the other. Man, I am getting lots of crap about it. Forget it then.

Don’t mean to give you crap, that’s just one of my favorite threads, and like I said the longest one on all of BLF. I’d hate to see it be forgotten.

Just click on the “new posts” link on the Recent Posts page and it will take you right to the new stuff. :beer:

Rusty Joe, I thought I’d support your new thread, but it seems to be getting a lot of backlash. That being said, I’m going back to the old one. Sorry about that :frowning:

Well, if people don’t want it, I don’t want it.

Joe, if it catches on, I’ll be back.