OK, since I started the thread I go first. BTW, without pix it didn’t happen, and I’m the absolute worst violator of that. I just thought you should know that going in. I’m a mod’ on a BBQ forum and I almost never post pix there. Why would you want to post pix? It makes everyone drool on their keyboards. It also gives us a “taste” of what this international community eats. Want to know people? Sit down for a meal.
I eat 2 meals per day generally. I have a good breakfast, then a better supper. This thread can include any meal. I’d just prefer to not hear about someones buttered toast or oat meal porridge for breakfast. But if that’s your big meal, go right ahead.
Tonight’s meal will be pork fried rice. I have some left over pork medallions in the refrigerator, I picked some yellow banana peppers and I’ll slice up an onion and throw in whatever else I can find in the refrigerator that’ll work in it (peas and whatever else). To support the stir fry I rendered out some backfat from my neighbors 2 pigs from last year. That’ll give an additional meaty flavor. I don’t have enough pork, so I’ll add at least one scrambled and stir fried egg. It’ll be delicious. I love my fried rice dishes. Since the wife doesn’t like eggs I’m cooking it for one and I can add anything that I like. I’m betting she’ll have a Taylor Pork Roll sandwich (just google it - it’s a very regional product and not even well known in the USA unless one is from one specific area) of some sort since I sliced up a 3 pounder the other day. She’ll be on her own tonight. (She’s a lousy cook, makes just one dish but that’s pretty good. She’s great at doing dishes though. The person who does the cooking DOES NOT do the dishes. )
BTW, it’s near dinner time, I have one adult beverage in me, and I’m salivating at proof reading the above paragraph.
I do also have a future meal in the making as I write. I opened up 2 slabs of boneless beef short ribs yesterday (or was it Tuesday? makes no difference) made a marinade* (see below) , and after 2 days they’ll be ready for the southern BBQ treatment. A slab of these ribs weigh possibly 4 pounds (2kg) so I’ll have plenty of leftovers. In this case southern BBQ means 3-4 hours at 250°F (indirect heat) with plenty of cherry wood smoke. The marinade is spicy and tasty and plays nicely with the smoke. That’ll probably happen on Saturday and that’s why I don’t remember when I put them in the marinade. I just remember the target day. But if it doesn’t happen then it’s a refrigerator that hovers near 32°F so they’ll be very happy there for quite some time. Being in that marinade for an extended time hurts nothing. I’ve had short ribs in the marinade for a month in that refrigerator. I’ll post that supper after the fact and probably with pix. I absolutely love short ribs. I think I can OD on them though I never tried.
So what’s cooking for your meals? Have at it folks!
(You don’t need to supply recipes, but if you don’t a picture would work wonders so that we don’t need to guess. )
- the marinade:
2: hot Hungarian paprika (dry)
2: granulated garlic (dry)
1: vege-sal (substitute 1/2: salt if you can’t find vege-sal)
enough Worcestershire sauce to make for a thickness similar to heavy cream, give the dry items time to soak it up
I wind up using 1/2 cup for the 2 part measures and 1/4 cup for the vege-sal, the W’ sauce winds up being a full 18 fluid ounce bottle, but that flavors many pound of meat. Adjust the amounts for what you have, but the meat should be swimming in the marinade. I put the meat in a poly bag and put the poly bag into a pot just in case it leaks. That happened once and the pot saved me a huge refrigerator cleanup. A double bag would also work if one is gentle with them; I’ve done that.