What's the weather like in your lockdown country?

Okay, I think it’s either 5% or 65% humidity. So according to the map, the lowest is 73% and the highest is 100. So if State low is 5, it can’t be 75% because State low is already 73. It might be a 6 though giving 65?? But then again, state lowest is already 73%!?

Not surprisingly, but not a desert.

It's the Great Dismal Swamp.

(Either that, or a nearby swamp.)

But yes 5% does seem too dry for August.:smiley: Funny, if you compare it to the weather changes happening the last few years, I can see surprising weather readings will crop up when the time comes.

Trust me, it would be a big story if a single square meter of North Carolina got 5% RH in summer. People that haven’t got a taste of desert weather literally cannot grasp how dry that is.

I would think stores all about would be out of lip balm for sure! If I soak my hair under the garden hose and drive 5 mins to the store, my hair would probably be dry when I get there.:smiley:

I have bushy curly hair reaching 2ft long when stretched, and no joke, that is exactly what is happening right now in my weather :confounded:

Less than 20% humidity = cracked chapped plastick-y lips, desiccated parchment-like skin, constantly irritated eyes, bleeding noses (depending on the person), fingernail cuticles shriveling loose from the nails (and if they get torn by accident, it hurts like a papercut and lasts longer), waking up with the inside of your mouth and nose stuck in places and totally insensitive… Hell, not even construction is safe - concrete literally dries so fast it has no time to cure and cracks like sand unless you constantly sprinkle water on it!

The only upside I see in it is far less noisy annoying bugs. No crickets, no katydids, rarely a mosquito or fly, and if cicadas hatch they die so quickly you don’t get even 3 days of serenading :stuck_out_tongue:

hot and humid, but it is August,
and that is how it is supposed to be.
if it was not, we would think something was wrong.

It appears that tonight it will freeze. The first hard freeze of the season, and a pretty good one with a forcast of 20 F (–6.5 C). We should have a high of 55 F (13 C) with no clouds at all.

Last weekend I drained the fire suppression sprinkler lines so it can freeze with my okay. :wink:

Rain, rain, rain and more rain. It’s been warm though.

Like a summers day here, well, almost :laughing:

Raining and winding like it’s Tornado Alley. And I very much welcome it, our aquifers need the recharge after the horrendous droughts of this hear and 2020. The Paraguay River was basically a sandy bog.

I hear ya :wink:

It rained here yesterday, which isn't that big of a deal, but in our area, I saw a rainbow.

I don't care about rainbows that much, but it was the first rainbow I've noticed in our area in years, so that was kinda cool.

Windy as heck!

Was –25°C for almost 2 weeks :sunglasses: Now +–0°C and occasional rain… :weary:

Miami is 86*F and beautiful, although it rained early this morning.

Hot chicks are walking around Bayside in bikinis.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


Mostly sunny day with some showers and even thunder storms in the late afternoon. Too bad, here in Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia, there is no “winter”.

Typhoon Odette (International name Rai) will make landfall not too far from us in a few hours. Forecasters say it’s intensifying and could become a Super Typhoon. We’ll be fine but I feel for the people living in houses build of light materials (bamboo and palm fronds). After the last bad storm here the power was out for a week and we didn’t have water for a month so just in case, I’ve gotten plenty of drinking water, Spam and rice and of course I have plenty of flashlights and my batteries are all charged. It’s really not a big deal, I’m pretty sure people on the Gulf Coast and in the tornado struck areas had it a lot worse then we will.

We don't normally get many rainbow here, maybe one every two years or so. This year has been a major exception with over a dozen days with rainbows. Some lasted hours. More this year than the last decade combined.

At 3AM it is 56.7ºF, winds S at 6 mph gusting to 15. This time of year and time of day the average is in the low to mid 20's F. My weather underground page is:


Well it’s that time of year here where every day is virtually the same for a month or two, not hot, not cold, not raining, not snowing, not dark, not light, not windy…… just everything in between lol! Miserable basically.