What's the weather like in your lockdown country?

Hotter than usual at this time of the year, at least during the day, and drier than usual too.
We had rain 2 weeks ago, lower temps, but then they raised again and became sunny and dry. That is affecting/will affect the areas with usual drier climates in the country, since the underground water levels will not increase to become “stock” for the rest of the year…

In a country that normally has/had the 4 seasons well defined, it feels like the end of september and beginning of october, except for the sunset
It is nice to be out there and go for a walk, get some vitamin D, but it feels “weird”.

Same here, West Sussex. No proper winter anymore, always muddy underfoot when out with the dogs, mizzy rain and low cloud up on The Downs. I’m not a fan of Dec/Jan/Feb. Today, not a breath of wind, grey and overcast.

Here in West Texas,
In the last 10 days - Low 11F (high of 24 that day).
Then it was 85F here today.
Had to run the AC in the car and while working in the garage.
Wish it would make up it’s mind…
All the Best,

It's like a sandstorm on Arrakis over here!

We have lows like that but our highs are only 40F when lucky. Lowest this winter was –11F. A lot of single digits lows with teen highs. Only plowed once though, KOW.

Its 28F here right now and that feels downright balmy! Just had a stretch of a few days like that and then when it went back to the single digits and it was very uncomfortable. A couple of weeks before that when it would get into the single digits above zero I was thinking now this doesn’t feel too bad;-) Amazing what one can get used to — and of course it all gets down to having good gear!

The next week will be lows from a little below zero to highs in the teens above with a few hours above freezing on two days. This is the home stretch. Only a few more weeks and I won’t have to put lots of gear on just to be comfortable walking the dogs! I do think we are past the time for this season when the temps go down into double digits below zero F and don’t make it above zero for days. Thankful to be on the warm side of that!

I went to a doctor's office today.

The office is on the third floor, so I took the elevator.

Another man joined me to go to the third floor.

He mentioned how windy it was outside.

I asked him if he had seen the Dune movies.

He said no, and we parted, but if he would have said yes, I would have said, "It's like a sandstorm on Arrakis outside."

Opportunity missed.

My dentist is on the 3rd, and top floor of the tallest building in town. I have never taken the elevator. Stairs are good exercise.

I don't have a problem going up two flights of stairs, but I found the elevator before I found the stairs, and I wanted to get to my appointment as early as possible.

(I had to fill out a bunch of paperwork.)

Next time, if a similar situation presents itself and I think I have the time, I'll take the stairs.

Been a rollercoaster ride, tempwise. T’other day, it dropped 20something degrees in just a coupla hours. Went for a soak, noticed the outside thermometer was almost 50, came out later, was in the 20s and snowing.

27 now on the wx site, supposta be nudging 60 on Thu/Fri.

Cloudy in west coast Singapore this morning with some light rain. Temperature around 30C now.

For my freshman year of college, my dorm room was on the 7th (top) floor.

I would quickly walk from the basement to my room, and it was not that difficult.

That's seven flights of stairs.

Now the most that I'll choose to tackle is two flights of stairs, under the right circumstances.


Actually, walking up our long, steep driveway is way tougher than two flights of stairs.

I'll do it, but I don't really like it.

Wheee! 24° on the outdoor thermometer.

“Calibrated” it against my Accurites, so it’s a good read.

Some rain, at last, fortunatley!!
Hope that it stays for a while, but I guess it won’t happen… :frowning:

33 F and dropping, lots of clouds and wind. Snow forecast.

First 50º+ day since New Year's. Still over a foot of snow/ice on the ground. Worst year I have ever seen for trying to walk in non shoveled or plowed areas. This winter has sucked.

we are having our typical “February Thaw”.
warm and windy until Winter
comes again on Saturday.

You must be south of me in Pa. Every storm has missed us by passing south ever so slightly. That’s ok with me.

We are glad to share our snow anytime. I'm in the northwest corner of PA, Crawford County. We have had close to 100 inches of snow so far but it rained on it turning it all into ice or real hard snow. The kind you can walk on top of for a few step then you crash trough for a while. A killer on the back and knees. The average temp in Jan. was 20.5º and 12 days below 0º this year.

Bring some snow over here in the west. We are already starting Spring in February.