What's the weather like in your lockdown country?

Ah, you get a lot more than us here in NEPA. We average about 50 inches and this year we lucked out with about a foot total so far. Big dumpers happen in the spring though so too early to celebrate. It was cold in Jan. here too. Heads up, spring is near.

82* and sunny here in Miami, which is why the entire world wants to party here.

It’s only going to get better.


It's cold and extremely windy, plus it's raining.

I just put the dog out so he could pee, and I'm glad that I'm indoors again.

I'm tired and I'm going to bed early.

(The best part of bad weather is complaining about it.)

10º at 2AM. Today's high was in the teens with wind chill in the single digits and 8 inches of snow. Winter still sucks. I have heard rumors there is a hit contract out on Punxsutawney Phil.

It topped 70 last week, and today… 25.

Crappy weather predicted for Thursday: snow, rain, ice. All that’s missing is brimstone.

96F for a high (yesterday).
I’m already dreading summer.
All the Best,

Stupid question… are any countries (aside from China I guess) still on lockdown? I’m in USA and they didn’t even close anything and most places didn’t make you wear a mask. I did though - firm believer in science

pollen season

My car, everyone’s, looked the same as that here but it was Sahara desert dust that came down in light rain. Only just thought to get up on the campervan roof and wash the solar panel yesterday.

The local hospital reported it had no COVID cases currently.
I still do the mask cause I’m one of the folks who will croak if I catch it.
Three weeks ago 19F, now in the 90s. Just make up your damn mind!
All the Best,

I wore masks everywhere and had both Pfizer jabs and a booster. Still caught it haha

In Singapore, the temperature ranges from 35C during daytime - 26C during nighttime, with some light rains in the afternoon or evening. Right now, 12:30 p.m., it is sunny; 33C.

Wearing a mask while outdoor (walking in the park or picnicking at the beach) is now optional, but it is still advisable to keep wearing it.

high temps… even at night wow thats just too much… but why is a mask needed really outside? i will never understand this, i can understand indoors crowded places but outside ?’

for me its 3c and rainy/windy haha…

Let the dogs out about 07.00 into a wet day. Very British, cold, windy, pouring. So we all climbed back into bed and had a snooze for a couple of hours. Stopped now but it’s still cold and damp out, about 50 of your Fahrenheits.

Hot sun, cold wind, in some parts in the north and higher lands it snowed last night! :o

Yesterday was cold and gray like a fat dead pigeon.

Today is nice and sunny.

Rest of the week is pretty much gonna be all rain.

Spring is taking it’s sweet arse time getting here.

Typical spring for here. 32 F low overnight. 56 F now, may be the high for the day. Partly cloudy or partly sunny depending on one’s point of view. Breezy, except for when it isn’t.

Ha that’s a great quote…

You gotta say it in a french accent, though.