What's the weather like in your lockdown country?

Man it’s hot.
It’s like Africa hot.
Tarzan couldn’t take this kinda hot.

It's been in the one-teens lately, but the humidity/dewpoint has been low most of the time.

We had a hotter-than-average June, but we've had worse June weather than what we had in 2022.

Jane could, considering her 1930s nudity.


1930s nudity for the win!

Damn, Jane’s hot.

Like Africa hot.

typical 3-H weather.
hazy, hot, humid.

It rained here about an inch in the last 24 hours due to former hurricane Kay.

That's a lot of rain for the desert.

We had some flooding in our housing community yesterday, but our asphalt driveway only got damaged a moderate amount.

Our housing community had the most flooding that I've ever experienced, and I've been here for eight years.

Some of the roads around here had rivers of water flowing over them.

In fact, this is the most flooding I've seen in my life, but it could have been much worse.

intermittent rain.
we need all of it.
more tomorrow.
no complaints.

Goldilocks weather all week. After one miserable week of cold rain we are now enjoying 70s with low humidity all week.

It’s really hot here.
The last couple of days, I’ve had little appetite.
I’ve been forcing myself to eat lunch and dinner (I have no trouble eating breakfast.)
I also felt crummy yesterday (and today) from the heat.
If I lose a little bit of weight, that’s no big deal, but I hope my appetite comes back soon. :face_in_clouds:

Don’t you have AC in your house?
Hope your appetite returns… At least Fall is getting closer.

We had the swamp cooler running to save electricity, but we probably should have been running the AC.
We’re started running the AC yesterday, and I feel somewhat better.
I’m still forcing myself to eat some meals, though. :+1:

It was 97°F yesterday, and it might have been that hot today.
I’m pretty sure yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far. :sun_with_face:

It was 121°F today where we live.
The dewpoint has been high for several days, but we should be able to turn off the AC and turn on the swamp cooler later this evening. :+1:

What do you consider high in your area. Around here 75º - 80º is high.

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59 F at 7 AM. Forecast hi 83 F. Dew pt 54F. Humidity high at 84%. Sunny. It has rained on and off for s couple weeks. The mountains are nice and green!

If the dewpoint is above 50ºF - 55ºF, then the swamp cooler will not work well, so that’s what we consider high. :+1:

And if the power goes out, then what?
Had dew points here at 75 during daylight.
Will go back into mid 60’s tomorrow then back into 70+ after Monday night for the rest of the week. Air Temps will be 95+
I live in 1870’s house so getting rid of the hot air is the biggest problem and central air is out of the question.
Some parts of the house I can maintain like 72 degrees others are mid 80’s.
Going to try some low profile twinscrew fans to try and draw hot out.
Wish I had a big azzz attic fan like my brother had years ago in the house he owned.
He would close all the windows and draw air from the deep cellar and it was amazing difference.

Anyway best of luck, was thinking of you yesterday wondering how hot it was where you are.

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If it’s during business hours, we can go to the local air conditioned mall.
Otherwise we have to tough it out, perhaps with some electric fans that have battery backup, or we could get in the air conditioned car.
The power doesn’t go out very often, but coming up in about a week and a half, the electric company might be cutting our power overnight to replace a power pole. :frowning_with_open_mouth: