What's your favorite Solarforce L2 series P60 host?

So I've recently gotten P60 drop-in fever. I ordered a Solarforce L2P and an L2N. I like the ability of the L2P to tailstand.

Other than that, I'm not sure what the differences are between the L2P, L2N, L2m and L2T other than the obvious cosmetic differences.

L2T looks like a Surefire C2
L2P looks like Surefire 6P
L2N has finger grooves in the body

Not much difference except they are all 18650 hosts.


L2M is 18350 or 18650.

L2m for it’s versatility concerning body and battery size but I’m still an L2i fanboy, but you’ll never know because they’re now a collector’s item :frowning: However, the L2i is even more versatile because it accepts 3 x AAA. I also prefer the little bit thicker battery tube.

What about the new L2n?

I’ve never had an 18350. What’s the capacity?

IIRC, the IMR one I had was around 700 mah. (It could also deliver a lot of amps)

Is that the one you put through the wash?


The L2N is my edc for the last month. I like the finger grooves for a better grip.

Tried using 16340 on the L2M but the run times suck.

I'm going to give the short-bodied L2M a try with an IMR 18350. It could have a good combo of the compactness of a single CR123 light, the ability to get half-decent runtime on low modes (comparable to 1x AA EDCs I think), and the ability to pump out the lumens for a few minutes when it needs to.

How does the L2M convert from 18350 to 18650? Add an extension tube or do you need to replace the body?

Love my sand L2i and L2x

L2M. It’s so versatile - I can either have a 3A XM-L U3 de-domed, running a 18350 IMR, for 15 min. runtime but hell of a light, or I can run 1.5A neutral XM-L with OP reflector on 3400mAh 18650 for over 2 hours of nice, smooth light, or anything in-between really.

I am also fond of L2M as a larger EDC.
Anyone recommend a tailcap with a more protected switch boot that can handle high amperage draw from
a rocket dropin?

L2t would be the ultimate host if only it was made in ha-lll.

Solarforce sales has the T including XML on sale for 25 now

In order of my favorite to least favorite.

Blue L2P (http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6060/6379632983_b7b5227787_b.jpg) Photo cred: Foy
L2M with A001 head and 18350

The L2T finish is a little different, and not HAIII, but I must say, VERY DURABLE! It is sort of like a parkerized finish.

L2M with A001 head and 18350 is my favorite. L2 with A001 head and Panasonic 3400 is my practical one. A few of all and you can mix-n-match to your favorite one. The host are so inexpensive as soon as one gets trashed just rehost it. Strange thing is after a few years of abuse they still look good.