When someone asks me to suggest a real GOOD 18650 5000 mAh cell, I recommend these:

… and tell them to buy in bulk :wink:

Link, Por Favor…

First thought: “Hmm… what have this guy smoked”
Second though: “WOW. He is right. Those really are GOOD 18650 5000 mAh cell!”
Highly recommended!

… maybe we should wait for THE BETTER 18650 6000 mAh cells though…

…or what about the THE BEST 18650 6900 mAh!

Thanks for sharing. That is funny! :slight_smile:

haha… :bigsmile:

OP meant 500mAh.

No. Those are GOOD 5000mAH cells!

no excellent or superb or ultimate cells? Maybe next week :wink:

The question is…. GOOD for what?? 8)

For terrorist attack

Good for making FIRE… TRUST me… :wink:

The Bad and the Ugly get re-branded……

you can’t 100% count on that either

This make sick…. :Sp

Muuust…… resiiiiissstt!!1 :smiley:

Well having 2 flashlights that take the 18650 batts I like many others jumped on this DEAL only to read later that 5000mah dont exist or worse they are dead batts repackaged 2 fully charged last 25-30 min in my skyray STL v2 xml light is that OK, good, great or terrible? next Question how can I test them to find out exactly what mah they are?
Are there any true bargains on upper 3000^mah 18650 batts?

That sounds like a potential recipe for disaster, the cells are totally unknown and untrusted, they could be wildly different capacities, which could result in one reverse charging the other, from there you could end up with a potential pipe bomb in your hand.

Fasttech are doing pretty good on cells, their not cheap compared to these 5000mah ultrafires, but they are cheap compared to potentially losing a hand or the house burning down….

Anyway, here’s fasttech’s link


They have a good range of cells, and I’ve not heard any bad reports yet, I like Panasonics but the Samsung’s and sanyo’s are also worth a look. :slight_smile:

And you could say we’re the reasons hese things exist. If people would start returning the junk *fire cells that are nowhere near the capacity they would clean up their act. Once retailers start getting tons of returns they will duke it out with the manufacturer. Nobody wants to carry a line where 50-70% of sales are returns.

That being said, I got some cells from Fasttech - the Sanyo UR18650ZT batteries. They seem very good - consisent voltage, and last maybe a little longer in my TM15 han my Nitecore 2600’s. And I think that’s good as I can’t charge to the 4.3v that they need to get their advertsed capacity.

I’m happy with Fasttech and for $5.something a cell I’d rather not take a chance with junk cells.

True 5000 mA if you use 10 of them :bigsmile:

haha… it all makes sense now…

Or maybe some really are 1000-1800, but once you take away all the dead and all the cells that does not support decent output, you should have approximately 5000mAh total in the usable cells!