Where can I buy pills from?

Where can I buy pills for a uf-T20 flashlight from?..…any help please.

As a fun experiment, I put the pill of my C8 into my UF-T20 that was customized by 18sixfifty. Everything worked just fine.

Even a reviewer on this item says that it works in his UF-T20.

This pill theoretically ought to work, but I make no guarantees. :wink:
Often you can’t lego parts with xxxxfire flashlights. With that said, the uniquefire uf-t20 does take a c8 pill.

Thanks for the replies!

Since the UF-T20 comes with a decent brass pill, Im curious as to why you need another. Did you lose one? Also be aware that not all C8 pills are interchangeable. Even ones that are touted as being interchangeable might not be upon their arrival; since threads and dimensions often change, and usually when you really need them to be the same. |(




I can’t…. try one of those sketchy lookin’ guys that hangs out on street corners in the rough parts of town. Or maybe one of those sketchy Canadian internet pharmacies.

:smiley: :smiley:

I just wanted one to have a play with other drivers and led’s….thanks.

To the other comments………….it was the brass pill I meant, I have plenty of the other type lol

Ooh man on a serious note, you should do Everything within your power to stay off of and away from anything a man in a white coat gives you from big pharma. Really.