Where do you go to use your flashlights???

Just an idea i had to show where i am on google earth and all the area around me where i can take the dog out and of couse my flashlights :slight_smile:

As you can see from my area i have loads of open space and woods to explore :slight_smile: Guess im very lucky for my surroundings :slight_smile:

Heres the google earth image

And heres the mutt i have to walk daily…. now often in the dark :bigsmile:

Feel free to show where you are on this very small dot in the universe :bigsmile:


Here’s where I usually go to test out my lights. I don’t mind carrying a few pounds of lights here.

So now we know exactly where you are. :D

Yes!! lol But beware…… the dog is a savage beast!!! lol :smiley:

So is this your house? :P


no mines just a bit down from there!!! lol verrry close though! scaru you are clearly a super sleuth :bigsmile:

Damn, I was going to send you a letter. :)

hahaha only post i usually get is bills!!!

I have burn marks on my walls.

Here's an example of where I use my lights:

Last night's ride was in and around FermiLab in Batavia, Illinois. Home to the (formerly active) National Accelerator. We also rode around some of the nearby neighborhoods and down along the Fox River to North Aurora, IL.

I have hundreds of these activity files - we are blessed with a very nice and extensive trail network in the Western Chicagoland area.

Beware posting your exact address! I am a cyclist & use Strava/Garmin which is a GPS mapping/tracking tool which tracks your exact training route. Problem was people were logging into Garmin/strava finding out people’s address then stealing there expensive road bikes! A privacy mode which allowed you to put a 1km exclusion zone round your house has been added now thankfully. Not saying that people want to steal flashlights! Just don’t give them an excuse!

Not to worry, KarbonCraig. All my rides are from locations other than my house.

Everynight the Quark X aa2 tactical is used on low mode (3lumens) as night side lamp for about 7 hours. This has been going on for about 6 months :slight_smile:

  • of course other duties such as
    inspection of pc wirings/repairs
    outside noise checks at night
    bike lamp and more

Your House,now we all know wher ya live…. :wink: lol
Latch onto the internet party crashing craze.3000 flashaholics turn up and _flood _ya house.

I go here
Haigh Hall Country Park


We live near the big red dot. The squiggly lines are some of the trails that the dogs and I have explored.

Hey Ady,

My nan and gramps used to live in a bungalow on Sandybed crescent in the ’80s.
Great chilhood memories there!

Cheers dude, thanks for this thread :slight_smile:


@petey: Please set image scale to 100%. Those pictures are .. big? :D

Smart, now I can't see your house. :'(

Most of the time my backyard lol

Sorry, I linked to smaller pictures now.