WHERE IS FOY? (less important: what camera does he use for those pic's?)

WHERE IS FOY? (less important: what camera does he use?)

Seriously, though… I (we) hope you’re ok/doing well.

Missing your input and reviews :frowning:


Some stalking, I mean sleuthing came up with a Canon PowerShot SX40 HS for the camera he uses.

Those photos Foy takes are pure torch porn.

Foy has been gone for quite a while.

He hasn't posted for almost 2 months, and he was last seen on BLF over 7 weeks ago.

We all miss you, Foy!

This thread is not foyapproved :smiley:

why not, we are talking about foy, you can’t dig it?

I like Foy’s reviews & pictures!


I was hoping a thread or two like this might lure him out for a direct answer