Where to buy Maglites 3C and 3AA at reasonable prices

I’ve spent a few fruitless hours searching for Maglite 3C and 3AA. Can’t seem to find any at a reasonable price. Granted my searching skills leave a lot to be desired. :expressionless:

I know 3AA is out of production but even 3C seems to be very hard to find.

if anyone have a suggestion it would be greatly appreciated. Online or walk-in store (Southern California).

3AA will not be found easily, other than by accident. They are getting scarce and the ones on ebay, (last time I looked), were outrageous.

3C should be avaialble on Amazon, ebay or zbattery. I don't know if they are scarce or not, since I haven't kept up with Maglite stuff in a while.

A simple google search for 3c maglite would give you all you need. There's no special place to get them, just shop around for the best price you can find.

3AA Mags are no longer made. You might find a few on Amazon or Ebay. But expect to pay around $30 for these lights.

As for 3C Mags, they are still available from a number of both online and B+M stores. If you would rather buy one at an actual store, keep in mind that big box stores tend to not carry the C cell Mags. However, I have found them to be quite widely available at smaller, more ‘mom and pop’ style stores. Ace Hardware stores in particular seem to be pretty good about stocking C cell Mags. You will pay more there than other sources (probably $20-$25 without batteries). But, of course, you can take it home the same day. You might want to call a few to have them check stock.


No idea about the 3AA for cheap. Again, an amazon seller has it, but for $34 plus.