Where to buy quality 10440 and 16430 IMRs?

Looking for quality 16340 + 10440, IMRs.

10440 should be able to do up towards 2A. 16340 should be able to do up towards 3A. I want highest possible capacity and capability to hold maintain some decent voltage.

I have been considering to buy Efest batteries.

I put in a request from Bestvaping.com some time back, but no reply, and they don't have the Efest 16340 700mAh version either.

Efestbattery.com have 16340 in 700mAh, but its 10$ for one! Sounds expensive. The more typical 550mAh version is 8,5$ for 2 pack.

2 pack with 10440 is 6,5$.

Does anyone have any better options, I need international shipping.

IMR batteries are expensive. The AW brand is also good, but 2A out of a 10440? No way Jose'. I got a Maximum of 680mA out of one of the 350mA Efest batteries and the voltage dropped fast. I have the 16340, but I have not tried max amperage out of them.

Efest 10440. Not a lot of options for 10440.
Ordered a few from efestbattery.com on Sep 2, still waiting to see if they make it through.

By the way efestbattery.com, bestvaping.com, efestpower.com, powerwholesale.net, sz-eyoung.com all appear to be alternate sites for the same company. They use to use bestinone.com too.

I think the ones I linked to are cheap. Only a few bucks a peice and with shipping.

Except the 700mAh 16340, which I believe I seen cheaper from the US, but then shipping ruins the deal.

The E-fest 10440 should be able to do 2A to an XP-G2 or XM-L2 for a few minutes based on what I see in this review:


With Nichia 219, the output will be lower, but I would expect 1A+++ for several minutes.

Only 680mA to whatever emitter you used sounds low. That was direct drive??

Thanks Helios, I did not know that. Did you get/pay for tracking? The battery delay and such have been a reason why I have been postponing this, but all my recent battery orders from WB have arrived without issues, so Im thinking Ill just order and see what happens. Cant wait forever to place an order...

RacR86, I bought some efest imr cells directly from efest.com also. They took about 3 weeks to get here. I have no way of testing them. I have an AW IMR 16340 and the efest IMR16340. I guess I could put them both in my ET D25C clicky and measure the t/c if that would tell anything. I am pretty cdrtain that HKJ did a test on the Efest 10440’s.

Thanks manxbuggy1, I linked to one of his Efest 10440 reviews in my previous post. His reviews are good enough for me.

No tracking. :ghost:
Free Shipping was the only option on efestbattery.com and I didn’t bother inquiring about adding tracking. I ordered Sep 2, before the HongKongPost battery crackdown notice went up.

On Sep 11 I did email them, no response. Tried their paypal email on Sep 17, no response. I plan to try again at 30 days via email & online chat. If needed I’ll do a paypal dispute at ~40 days.

Yes, it was DD on a Nichia 219. I just did it the other day. First few seconds was 700mA and then it settled to 680mA and dropped off fairly quickly. I didn't time how quickly and I didn't check voltage, other than checking voltage on the battery before I used it and it was at 4.1v to start with.

Their lack of response is not that reassuring.

btw, have anyone seen any comparison between the 550mAh and 700mAh Efest 16340?

Ok, thanks Justin! That was way lower than I expected.

btw, where do you buy your efest batteries from?

I do have a single efest imr 10440. Looked at my notes, I did a quick current check when I got it. It did 1.3a with a 4*7135 driver & a xpe. Battery contacts were not firmly attached. Used magnets that were a bit weak.

That efest imr 10440 was from a usa ebay seller.

That sounded much more like it.

With Nichia 219 Im seeing slightly above 2A peak with a good 18650, or any of my 14500, that is basically the peak limit due to Vf. It does go down fairly quickly. But with efest 10440 I would expect more than 700mA peak combined with that emitter. Ill guess I have to try it out myself too.

Im a bit tempted to just buy a set of 550mAh 16340 and a set of 10440 from Efestbattery.com and cross my fingers the batteries arrives unless anyone have better options, stores.

If so, links are appreciated..

Vaping sites carry efest. I was looking through a couple sites… but efestbattery.com is cheaper. :bigsmile:

Speak french by chance? French is big in Norway, no?
:smiley: Found a french seller on ebay 2 efest imr 10440 EUR 4.90 + EUR 2.90 international shipping.

Did you see these?


Edit: Sorry, I don't think they ship these outside the US.

That was pretty much my conclusion as well. And you don't have to go through the hassle with inquiring shipping price and so on..

Yeah, I have seen them. I don't mind buying from IS, shipping is not bad. But I only buy from them when I have a decent amount of things to buy that others don't carry.

The reason why I don't buy batteries from them are that I have to order 10440 from another place either way, If they offered everything I wanted, then shipping price would not be that bad on each item. I asked them in another thread about getting 10440 and 26650 in stock. But the 10440 did not perform that well, so I don't blame them for not having that in stock.

But they had no plans of sending review samples to HKJ for any of their batteries. Their batteries may be very good for all I know though but its still a completely unknown brand as far as I can tell.

Capacity at a certain discharge only tells you rated capacity. How the battery Vf is can be completely different compared to other batteries. As an example, at 1A discharge both the Sibeile and Efest battery are 300mA. Same capacity. But there is no doubt which battery have the highest amount of energy and which battery who is able maintain brightness better.

This is why I would like to have seen a review.

I actually just sent 2 samples of each of our batteries to HKJ today via 3 day DHL. It might take him a bit to review them all though. Looking forward to compare his to our internal tests. :)

On a side note if you don't mind me asking, what are you using these 10440s in? We're considering picking them up only because they perform similarly to the cells by other manufacturers but not satisfactory enough by our standards (keep in mind our data may be more conservative, we did not account for resistance in the wiring):

Great! As always, looking forward to his reviews, and looking forward to see the performance of your batteries. Thanks for the graph btw.

Ill play with an 10440 in my Olight I3s (with Nicha 219) first. With these small batteries, capacity is always crucial. And with that emitter, so is Vf.

Ill probably test the batteries in one or two Ultrafire M5s too probably with with XP-E2 and XP-G2. Essentially direct drive as far as I know, atleast very high output. The E-fest batteries seems to be very good at that and higher current. Performance of the Kinoko 10440 does not seem suitable for my type of use.

Will I be using my 10440s much? Not sure, but I want to experience some bright AAA sized lights. :) If the batteries cant do super bright, I might as well just stick to nimhs..

I started this hobby with some a set of junk batteries (Ultrafire), learned about the limitations/quality issues first hand within the first week. After that, only quality cells from known vendors. Zero issues. Until quite recently, I bought a white Solarforce 16340 without doing any research (What can I say, WB instant kill, the battery was cheap and I needed one). Guess what, first time I bought a battery without any research or viewed any tests, I bought a junk battery.. :Sp

Lesson learned, once more.. "ALWAYS do your research and buy the good batteries". Which is why I am making a fuss out of buying a few batteries now.. :)

RaceR86, I CAN tell you, the blue and white Solarforce 16340’s are MUCH better than the white ones…hard to believe I know but they really hang in there. Don’t tell anybody but I removed the protection on a couple of them to fit in an Olight S10 and they rock! Out of AW, Kinoko, TF Flames and P%pfire, they last the longest. Probably don’t deliver the amps like an IMR though but I’m not sure about that. No high amp drawing 16340 lights to test with over here.

Pretty sure the Efest 10440 is the best available right now.

Did you send HKJ the 10440s you were considering?
Kinoko 10440?