where to get resonable protected 3400 mah button top batteries

Well since we. Can no longer get lion batteries on. Cargo planes out of Hong Kong does anyone know a domestic source where to get these batteries ata decent price?

You might check this store on ebay:


I ordered some Samsung 20R’s from him…we’ll see. He’s in Salt Lake City.

yep - ive bought from him

ships quick too

JMP, any oother good eBay battery vendors?

I have also bought from him, good product and fast shipping. Prices are a little bit higher than from China but you get it fast… MUCH faster these days. It also seems like the Chinese prices might be on the rise due to the current shipping situation (look at Wallbuys prices).

Panasonic 3400 mah protected buttontops over three weeks ago I e-maied customer service and yesterday they said Hong Kon post office is not allowing lion batteries to be shipped via aitmail any longer because they are considered hazardous material so they are going to refund my money and thanks for email adress also Tallboybass I have eveything I need to mod my c-12 X ML2-U2 expect screws a drill bit and tap ill vet this weekend and let you know how mod went

Thanks a ton for lllink I just ordered some.

It looks like that’s the “R-Isales” seller. I’ve bought a number of Efest batteries from him. I had a problem with one battery in an order from him, and he took care of it (sent a replacement), so he seems ok.

I hope he takes care of customers. I ordered 4 sets of 2 batteries and received 2 sets. I emailed him this morning, still waiting on a reply. His 3400s fit my TN30 so would hate to have a bad experience and not order any more.

He sells on Amazon also, with the same seller name:


You might trying to contact via both Ebay and Amazon. I think that’s what I did, and he responded via the Amazon contact first.

I mean its bad enough we can no longer can get batteries shipped by air out of HONG Kong Iam wondering if we'll be able to get them by boat eventually? Any how if this Individuall being domestic in US will have a quick delivery date please keep everyone posted on how the rest of your order comes through !

Anyone from Aus know a source for batteries? It is a bit concerning not being able to get lithium batteries out of HK anymore. I can’t keep buying torches if I can’t power them :~

im sure there are probably a handful of them - dont know which are actually good/bad - only reason i recommended the one i linked to is my dad bought a few 18650 from them and they tested fine

This ebay seller is in Sydney.

This is an Ebay vendor from India. I ordered some from him, time will tell how long it takes. I ordered some protected flat tops that I want to try.


It will be interesting to see how long before the ban on air shipping Li-ion batteries extends to other countries? Probably it will take is a fire on a cargo plane out of India to make that happen.

Will be interesting to see how long it takes for batteries to skyrocket in price. I really don’t need any more batteries, but this want is doing terrible things to me.

Nice just to see how many people.are trying to help other folks and have good sources of Informatio. And iam sorry but I wanted ask if kuma bear is still selling keepowers? Or are there any domestic US distributers ?

Kuma disappeared. Not in business any longer……with open outstanding orders :~


Your link didn’t work. It looks like there’re some extra characters at the end (a left square bracket, forward slash, and q-u-o-t-e). This hopefully will work: