Where to purchase different Convoy S2+ lenses/TIR?

I have a Convoy Nichia 219C and KW CSLNM1.TG I would like to try various lenses/TIR in.

Where can I purchase an assortment? I’m hoping to not have to purchase 5 pieces of 10 degree, 5 pieces of 60 degree, etc.

Any US vendors which carry the lenses/TIR?

Not USA but…
Yajlamei carries quality stuff:

I’ve seen Jarmay recommended as well:

Thank you! US vendor is always preferred, but I’ll take any stores since I’m hoping one will sell me an assortment

Convoy’s own store also sells these optics - you can choose the option for “1 piece per degree” to sample all of them.


Mountain Electronics as TIR lens.

Which ones would fit the S2+?

The ones directly from the Convoy store work well. I took this photo some time ago; these were 60 degrees. At least you know for sure they fit. A very nice floody output.



I got an assload of 20pax offa Amazon way back, all 20mm, and it’s nice to be able to drop in whatever angle you wanted, just on a whim.

Nb: sometimes 90° and especially 120° will have artifacts, like being ringy around the periphery.

I’m with you on this. I bought a couple 45s and 60s and currently have a 60 degree on my SST-20 variant. Very smooth and great for reading but no chance I would try to use it for adventuring outdoors. :smiley: