Which B158 should I get?


I am looking for a cheap, very bright, allrounder zoom flashlight, and stumbled upon the Brinyte B158 at gearbest:

The question is: if I do not want to mod the light, thich LED is “better”, or precisely: what are the main differences between XM L2 and XPL HI? Which one has benefits, and which would you buy?

Thank you very much!

The XP-L HI has no dome so it is (optically) a smaller light source, so you will be able to project a smaller dot of light, so it will throw further than an XM-L2.

Thanks, but is the XP-L HI any brigher, or any other advantages/disadvantages?

Hello Jo.
I am responsible for B185 V3 HI was on GB, and it was my group buy and my suggestion for that light to be made.

I have both of them, and I can only say to you that I will never more buy a version with U4, except perhaps if only it be produced and there is no be V3 HI…

So take V3 HI, and do not be a lot to think twice, you will get much narrower beam of light, much more visible and much more throw, on the full zoom. On the flood there is no important differences.

If you decide for V3 HI, I can provide you a code for lower price.

Thanks for that suggestion, I already ordered the XPL HI version because I am really curious how it is (you find a lot of the XM-L but not so much about the XPL), and found a 18% price-off coupon already, so I got it for about 22 Euros. Thanks a lot, I will report back how satisfied I am when the light arrives here in two weeks :slight_smile:

I have it on my wishlist for a while now, but if there’s a code for reducing the price to 22 Euro’s i would like to know, and i will certainly buy one too !


You’re not wrong, that version is much much better trust me, waiting to hear impressions from you.

I answer via PM to you.

Thanks. :+1:

Bought the V3 version just now. :slight_smile:

Ordered mina a week ago, can’t wait for it to arrive from China :slight_smile:

Funny… I expected a tighter beam from the the xpl hi.
Bought a pair of the red led B158’s for like 18~19$ and an extra pill so I could make my own”drop -in ”
Think I should have made a xpg2 de-domed or an xpe2 instead of the xpl -hi . Probably not smart to have made something that I could have just bought .

Mine arrived yesterday too, impressive light, but one problem: sometimes when I switch on the light, and the previous mode was “High”, it is set to “Strobe” without me touching the button two times or similar. It simply is in the wrong mode. Any way to fix this?

Mine arrived too.
I will be replacing the driver and the forward clicky switch some time soon.
For the rest it’s a nice light. :slight_smile:

I got a XPL Hi V2-1A to mod the light
compared to the old XML2 U2-1A the tint is way better almost perfect white, while the XML2 has a very blue tint

The hotspot is about 2/3 the size than the XML2