Which batteries use Seiko protection circuits? -making list

Hello guys.

I know a lot of the high quality batteries use protection circuits from Seiko and that this is supposed to be the gold standard.
What I’d like to do is to make a list of which battery brands use the Seiko protection in their batteries. If this doesn’t already exist that is… In that case, please point me to a source :slight_smile:

I would very much like your help in adding known batteries/brands to the list!

I’ll start the list myself:

[edit: Please give me a shout if you observe mistakes on the list, or have additional information, like if for example a brand uses seiko in some models and other circuits in other models]

THE LIST :slight_smile: -to be treated as work in progress, and not absolute truths…


Batteries/brands that have been confirmed to contain Seiko circuitry

  1. Keeppower
  2. Evva

Batteries/brands that are believed to use Seiko circuitry
3. Orbtronic
4. Armytek
5. PluzPower
6. Nitecore
7. Skilhunt
8. Redilast


added :slight_smile:



PluzPower for you brits



Orbtronic Armytek PluzPower Nitecore and Skilhunt added.

How about the Xtar batteries? Seeing a few references to them having Seiko IC’s? Is that correct?

Claim to use? Have been shown to use? Do you know what to look for in a protection circuit to prove it is Seiko?

I know keeppower and evva have been shown / confirmed to use seiko through teardowns.

So you’re making a list and checking it twice?

Uh oh. :open_mouth:

All the things they say I did, I didn’t do it!
And all the things I did do, I didn’t mean it!


You are forgetting the first one on the market to use Seiko protection IC’s — Redilast

The plan was to make a list of brands/models that The ble community believes to contain genuine seiko circuits. Maybe it makes sense to differentiate between confirmed and probable/believed seikos in the list…

I know there’s a lot of knowledge among blf’ers, so when it comes down to QC’ing the list, I hope, and assume, that we can politely correct each others mistakes and smile about it. :slight_smile: