I currently own one C8. It is the clear Convoy model. I want to buy another C8, but I want the best thrower I can find. I don’t plan to mod it, so I want the best beam possible out of the box. There are so many, which one do you recommend?
What emitter have you got in your C8 - XM-L2 or XP-L HI?
The clear Convoy C8 with 8*7135 and XP-L HI has AR glass and thus should have slightly more lux output than the other Convoy C8 in stock form (approx 65k) If you want more output from a C8 then you will need to mod, or buy a modded model such as from Pflexpro.
actually the Convoy C8 clear you are having is probably the best throw
if you want more throw, you will need to mod( change driver to direct drive, change emiter to Xp-g2 Dedomed)
Thanks for the replies. Maybe I’ll just look for a C8 that has all those mods. I want a black one anyway. Who sells the best selection of modded C8 lights?
Pflexpro is probably your best bet. He builds and sells “one light at a time.” What I mean by that is that each light is built, tested and rated individually before being put up for sale, so you know exactly what you’re getting from him. link
As with all things the absolute best often requires a jump in price, I’ve built custom C8s up to 283kcd (1065m ANSI) but like Pflexpro they are quite a bit more expensive than a stock C8.
It would be cheaper to have someone on here build you one up. You can get host at mtn electronics.
Member djburkes used to offer a Convoy C8 Build Service , You could try sending him a PM, the price is of course higher than a standard C8 but I think his prices is more than fair.
I’d recommend djburke service around $40 fully decked out c8 if he provides the host. Cheaper if you have the host. Xpl hi, dedomed xpg2 or xml2 u4 1c should be extremely happy with any of those at 5 amps. Djburke does good work I have three lights built by him. To me my opinion pflexpro may do good work idk. But its robbery to charge someone $80 to mod a c8 when it takes 15-20 mins to put one together and the parts are like $20
OP already has the host. Clear C8 with an XPL HI. All he needs is a FET driver from Richard. He could get the Standard with LVP. Would cost him 10 bucks and whatever someone would charge to solder two wires, and bypass the tail spring. Flame thrower in 20 minutes!!
I might do something like that, but I am also wanting another C8 in black. With all these replies and suggestions I’m not sure what to do. Lot of great ideas, I appreciate them all. Thanks
I agree…Pflexpro builds some very nice lights…he seems to be very meticulous with them especially by potting his drivers. However, I’m not going to bash anyone’s prices as everyone builds lights differently and some put more “love” into theirs than others. I do still build lights so feel free to pm me. Also…thanks for the reference fellas…it’s much appreciated.
Gotta be a C8?
A C8 with XP-L HI is best. Dedomed XP-G if you don’t mind playing the tint-lottery.
For best throw, use an L2.
I second what these guys have said about ‘djburkes’!!!
I have a C8 he put together and absolutely love it. :+1:
I told him I wanted my C8 to be “the absolute best thrower a C8 could be”…… that is exactly what I got too. :+1:
You want a hot rod C8 at a very decent price… you have been advised where to get one. … :+1:
I have two modded convoy C8s and a triple S2+ from djburkes and I am very happy with them! I HIGHLY recommend him to do your work. PM him.