Which IR Tester Would You Recommend Out of These 3?

Lately, I’ve been keeping my eye on these 3 internal resistance/impedance testers:

  1. sm8124a
  2. RC3563
  3. YR1035+

Do any of you have any experience with any of these testers (possibly all 3) and what have your experiences been?
Which is best (greatest accuracy & user-friendly) and why? I need to get an IR tester asap! Thanks!

Are you testing to see who’s smarter BLF or DIY Solar

2 Thanks

Why not both?

I have already told you what I know about the testers. Nothing has changed in the last few days.

1 Thank

Nobody asked you. :man_shrugging:t3:

Thanks for your valuable contribution to the forum.

1 Thank

You’re welcome! :+1:t3::+1:t3: