Rusty has had his heart broken, which only calls for him blowing some more money on a new torch that will not so easily desert him (I say all of this only partially joking :p). But help me decide which new powerhouse to add to my collection. I can’t make up my mind…
First Candidate: Thrunite TN32 - should speak for itself on the stats, but I’m not found of the chunky form-factor or the step-down. Also, does it weigh less than the K40 or about the same? This is also more than I want to spend.
Second Candidate: BTU Shocker - with BTU driver - but again, very large form-factor, heavy, and I can’t seem to get the BTU driver anymore (where is the selection on Ric’s site?)
Third Candidate: Firefox 4 - is my least valuable option, but a nice one, just not very practical or cost-efficient.
Fourth Candidate: Special Mod Job and de-dome? You name the light.