Who Can Cut Down A Maglite?

Does anyone know of anyone currently modding Maglites? I’d like to get a couple cut down/bored.


I don't know where you are on the globe, but I have a few MagLites myself, and was thinking the same thing.

So I'm tagging this topic.

If you mention where your from others may have suggestions that will assist you.

There are a few of us, mostly in the US where they are made and less expensive. What size/color/battery length?

Hey, i recently got a black 3D Maglite (incan) from my uncle, and i’m also wondering about how to shorten it.

I’m in Colorado, USA. Looking for a 1D size body, or I have one or two to cut down. I’m also wondering if anyone has worked with the newer ML/LX versions -

If you have access to a lathe or know someone who does you just cut it to length and recut the tail threads. If not, the common method made famous by OL is the human lathe method where you cut out a section leaving the tail threads intact and rejoin this threads to the shorter front by pairing down the outside of one piece and reaming the inside of the other until they fit snugly enough to still carry current after being epoxied together. The method I use is slightly different in that I ream both pieces and use an internal brass sleeve to bridge the joint. This also allows me to replace a section of the tube with wood if desired and maintain electrical continuity. It also makes for IMHO more precise seams because both sides of the seam are outside parts. Until recently the newer versions weren’t stocked in my area so I haven’t played with them yet.

What would they need to be bored for? If it’s just to ream the ID a bit more that can be done without a lathe but if you need a tri-bore for 18650’s then you need somebody with a lathe.

Boring to get 26650’s to fit in C size - just takes a bit.

i heard brake cylinder hones work for boring out c mags to take 26xxx cells, you only need to shave off a little bit.
i have cut down about a dozen of mags with no late, all i used was a pipe cutter, than with dremel i filed down internal thread in the head, and than jb weld it to cut off tube. i cut front portion off, so tube still has factory thread at the tail. unless you need threads done, you do not really need a lathe.
i made a thread here on how i modded a maglite that way, the language is foreign, but pics tell all you need to see how to make a short mag lite.

few years back, vestureofblood did work on maglites, pm him see if he still does it.

Double post, my man.

If you have a one inch drill bit you can wrap it with a bit of masking tape and 220 w/d sandpaper instead of a brake cylinder hone. Stripping the ano from inside the tube will make it even easier.

-edit, use either a 7/8” or 15/16” bit instead as the one inch probably won’t fit.