Need 24 AA NiMH batteries, do not have to be the greatest quality, mainly looking for the lowest price.
Edit: After reading some reviews of cheaper batteries, who has the best price on decent batteries, may even go with Eneloop.
Need 24 AA NiMH batteries, do not have to be the greatest quality, mainly looking for the lowest price.
Edit: After reading some reviews of cheaper batteries, who has the best price on decent batteries, may even go with Eneloop.
If you’re not too far from an Ikea…well the Ladda cells are cheap and in fact rewrapped Eneloop
That’s for that info on the Ladda cells X3. Looks like the 2450mah are $1.75 each, a deal. The Ikea store is about 70 miles away but I have someone who lives near the store and pick some up for me if I can wait that long. Still looking for online deals.
Same question here, as I have a bunch of these to spread around for some elderly folks’ nighttime walking:
Each one needs four AA cells, so I’m looking for a bulk price somewhere on good ones.
How about 8 Amazon Basics AA 2,000mAh “made in Japan” for $13.97?
Untested as far as I know, but the source/store is said to be good.
Cheers ^:)
I’m looking for “LSD” (low self-discharge) NiMH, like the Eneloops or Fujitsus, in quantity.
Amazon — I’ve been burned repeatedly by fake or wrong items shipped from them. And I hear awful accounts about working conditions there from programmers. Rather avoid.
Ikea has four AAs for $6.99 but no bulk packaging.
This stuff looks quite good: Enelong 1.2V 2400mAh Pre-charged Rechargeable Hybrid AA Ni-MH Batteries (4-Pack) @ FastTech
FastTech claims to be willing to negotiate bulk rates, I believe.
I just checked a set of four Amazon Basics cells I’d bought months ago to use in that kind of motion sensor light, which had quit lighting up.
Two were at 1.3v, one at 1.2v, and one at 1.0v — not encouraging performance for “low self discharge” chemistry.
I’ve bought from HobbyKing before and their LSD NiMH cells seem pretty good, but their FedEx or USPS shipping cost adds up fast by weight and is awfully pricey.
Though if you’re in Portland, Oregon, you can pick the order up free at a warehouse.
Ikea also has 1000mah AA for $3.99 a 4 pack, not sure how they are. I recently bought a bunch of the 2400mah AA from them for for $6.99 a 4 pack, was told they are Eneloops.
I’d guess the Ikea 1000 mAh AAs are same as the “Eneloop Lite” cells.
40 westinghouse 2000mah aa nimhs on ebay for 19.99 plus 5.00 for shipping .
Haven’t found any review of the Westinghouse cells, I assume they’re from China.
I think we’re going to make an Ikea trip sometime soon.
the IKEA branded rechargable AA’s are even cheaper than the Eneloops that I get from Costco