Now that my home storage solution is squared away, I am interesting in creating a cool way to easily travel with multiple light to different events like camping etc…
Right now I am using the Plano Four Gun Case (non-affiliate link to Amazon.). They are a great value. I originally paid 18.00 each including the pluck and pick foam. Now they are down to $12. I just ordered 4 more as they are great for sample cases. But I am looking for something a bit more unique and homemade for my personal use. In my head it looks like a old leather tool roll but those are not super practical for larger objects as they get thick fast when rolled up.
What are you guys using when you want move a bunch of lights?
Those are pretty nice boxes. Walmart also sells those online for under $12, BTW.
For my smaller lights I like to use these Plano Waterproof Boxes. They hold 4 P60 lights and 4 CR123/1640 lights at the same time. Super sturdy and waterproof and you can see what you ahve in them. ;)
I store a lot of my stuff in small tool satchels. They have lots of pockets for the smaller lights along the outside and inside and the larger lights pile into the middle. It helps if you have holsters on the lights in the middle so they don't get marred by knocking around. I usually pick up some of these 15" bags and 12" bags from Harbor Freight when they are on sale. Great for storing tons of crap of the shelf, too. :D
Yeah it looks like I paid too much the first time on the Gun boxes. Prime shipping is so darn easy for impulse buying sometimes I forget to shop around. I like the tool bag idea. I will have to pop into harbor freight next time I am in the area. I could use a few straps wrenches too.
Oh it is. The 1400 and 1450 Pelican are similar in size but $79 to 85.00. There is no questioning the difference in quality but for my application the Plano is more than adequate.
Those could be ideal…still I can get 3 planos for that price but I like the idea of being able to have one large case to generally carry any selection of lights I want to have with me.
Here's an alternative to Pelican cases at MCM Electronics. (Other sizes available.) Good reviews on it. With "source code": A309B it's $19.99 (good through Nov. 3rd, 2013). Shipping will be high ($9.49 is what I see), but you can usually get on their mailing list and wait for a "$5 shipping" deal.
EDIT - This larger one comes down to $26.99 with the same "source code".
I buy various cases and briefcases at goodwill for a couple bucks each. Not shoddy ones. I look all the time to get nice ones. Even found a real Hallburton. Then I buy the gray foam on ebay. There is a guy who sells it dirt cheep for 4 2” panels. Then I cut out the appropriate shapes for whatever flashlights. STURDY laptop bags work okay also. Not the flimsy ones and they have to open like a clam-shell suitcase.
I’ll see if I have time to post some pictures later. I think total cost on 4 cases has been like $25 and $20 for the gray foam. These are fairly bulletproof. I have accidentally dropped all of them at one time or another from 4 feet. No damage. And they look fairly pro. Just depends on how anal I get with cutting the foam. My newer foam cutouts are much better than my first attempts.
Just remembered. I had a picture of one with my DSTs. Total cost: Maybe $10.
I don’t use a case for my lights but have a fair amount of electronics test equipment and automotive tools that are much more fragile. I use a B&W case with “pick and pluck” foam that’s easily customized to the equipment. The foam has little cubes that you literally pluck out to conform to the equipment. Just don’t pluck out too many! Nothing seems to hold the little cubes back together.
>>>>>>The grey foam, does it have a special name? I found some by Pelican (costly) but
>>>>>>an upholstery supplier sells a range (open cell foam). It’s hard to tell how dense the cheap stuff is:
The stuff I got was recycled packing material. I don’t know what the different densities are, but the stuff I got is very dense.
This is what I got but he’s sold out. Shipping outside the U.S. would have killed it for you anyway.
You can get the kind that is already cut into squares and you pick the squares off to make your hole. But I just used the solid stuff. A new utility blade and it cut like the proverbial butter.
I have bought some from solid pieces from upholstery shops also. They used an an electric knife to cut it in custom shapes. Yes, pretty much like what you would use to slice a big roast beef or to slice the turkey on t-day. Learn something every day. They said that they have a special $300 Bosch electric knife. But in a pinch a Target cheapie electric knigfe works just fine.
I do not understand why the gray foam is so expensive though.
I think the trade name is pluck and pick foam. I am looking to see if I can find a good source as you are right the pelican branded foam is silly expensive.
This is probably the holy grail - the Pelican Mobile Tool Chest. You can send Pelican a CAD drawing or just an outline of the tools/stuff you want to store and they will custom laser cut the foam for you. If you have $500 laying around.