Who is buying? Look at what Fasttech added!

There are a few Different style XHP-70 boards that are Copper. The tint is not for every one. Also with the Discount code it works out almost 1 dollar cheaper! I have only ever had one DOA LED from Fasttech which reminds me i still have to make them a video about it. I forgot to. I bought a bunch of XPL-HI from them on Copper boards and they are direct thermal paths. Hopefully they will add extra tints to this selection.

Cree XHP70 N4-1A 4022LM 6000-7000K LED Emitter (Copper board)

Cree XHP70 N4-1A 4022LM 6000-7000K LED Emitter (Copper board)

These are different style boards.
Cree XHP50 J4-1A 2546LM 6000-7000K LED Emitter (Copper board)

Cree XHP50 J4-1A 2546LM 6000-7000K LED Emitter (Copper board)

Kaidomain is $0.50 cheaper for XHP50 and they have warm tint too

I hate blue tint :smiley:

Even without the discount for BLF they are almost $1 dollar more there?

Convoy Simon has other XHP70 tints for a couple dollars more. I’ve been contemplating making a multi XHP70 flashlight, and I like the idea of mixing these cheaper cooler tints with warmer tints.

I’m still waiting for NW XHP70/50 in the 4000K ish range with good CRI…Maybe one day KD/FT will see the potential in terms of sales

-X3-, maybe you overlooked this:

Cree XHP70 M4 40H 4000K Neutral White LED @Kaidomain “H” (80+) CRI bin code.

Cheers ^:)

One can never EVER FT trust binning and labeling- i got several times mixed emitter orders( different tints) from both XPG and XML by the time i still ordered those from them

Yes they are originals, yet the binning isnt correct

its not only their problem btw, its also KD problem too- then they didnt have anything i stock they just send you what they have, especialy if you order more than 5

Hmm, okay, so maybe it’s not me. I got a few that seemed “off”. Thought it was me. Or maybe “right on the edge of…” bin/tint/whatever.